
Experimental Python MIDI library using dictionaries

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

midict - Experimental Python MIDI library using dictionaries

Requires Python 3.7 (but should work with CPython 3.6 as well).

This is currently just an experiment to see how far one can go using built in types and pure functions.

The basic API is just two functions new() and copy():

>>> import midict

>>> msg = midict.new('note_on', note=60)
>>> msg
{'type': 'note_on', 'note': 60, 'velocity': 64, 'ch': 1}

>>> midict.copy(msg, velocity=10, ch=2)
{'type': 'note_on', 'note': 60, 'velocity': 10, 'ch': 2}

as well as functions for converting to and from bytes:

>>> midict.as_bytes(msg)
(144, 60, 64)
>>> midict.from_bytes((144, 60, 64))
{'type': 'note_on', 'note': 60, 'velocity': 64, 'ch': 1}

new(), copy() and from_bytes() do type and value checks and will always return a valid message (or otherwise raise the appropriate exceptions). as_bytes() assumes that the message is valid.


A very basic (unfinished) port API is also available with the following functions:



The open and create functions return Input and Output objects. I have not yet decided what should go into these so they are very basic.

There are two backend modules, sendmidi and rtmidi. The rtmidi module currently has no code to receive messages.

MIDI Files

I have no plans to add support for MIDI files since I don't use them, but I've added an example to https://github.com/olemb/rawmidifile/ (midict_midifile.py) that sketches out one possible implementation.

Open Questions

For this library to work it's very important to settle on a naming convention for all messages, so most of my questions are to do with naming.

  • use message and attribute names and values compatible with Mido or SendMIDI/ReceiveMIDI? (Currently the latter.) Examples of the same message:

    {'type': 'pitch_bend': 0, 'ch': 1}        # SendMIDI/ReceiveMIDI
    {'type': 'channel': 0, 'pitchwheel': -8192}  # Mido
  • I had to rename time_code's type to frame_type to avoid collision. Maybe there's a better name to use? Should it also have frame_value like in Mido?

  • ch at the end of the message?

  • ch or channel?

  • use bytes or a list of ints for sysex data? (A list of ints is easier to convert to and from JSON.)

  • type or something else?


Ole Martin Bjorndalen