
Use Leaflet in your Django projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

django-leaflet allows you to use Leaflet in your Django projects.

It embeds Leaflet in version 0.6.4.

https://travis-ci.org/makinacorpus/django-leaflet.png https://coveralls.io/repos/makinacorpus/django-leaflet/badge.png


pip install django-leaflet


  • Add leaflet to your INSTALLED_APPS

  • Add the HTML header:

    {% load leaflet_tags %}
        {% leaflet_js %}
        {% leaflet_css %}
  • Add the map in your page, providing a name:

        {% leaflet_map "yourmap" %}
  • Your maps shows up!

Use Leaflet API

You can use the Leaflet API as usual. There are two ways to grab a reference on the just initialized map and options.

Using Javascript callback function

Simple brutish way :

<script type="text/javascript">
function map_init_basic (map, options) {
... L.marker([50.5, 30.5]).addTo(e.map); ...



{% leaflet_map "yourmap" callback="window.map_init_basic" %}

Using events

More refined and flexible :

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener("map:init", function (e) {
        L.marker([50.5, 30.5]).addTo(e.map);
    }, false);

Event object has two properties : map and options (initialization).

For Internet Explorer 6,7,8 support, we fallback on jQuery if available

$(window).on('map:init', function (e) { ... });

If you want to support archaic browsers and still avoid jQuery, django-leaflet comes with a minimalist polyfill for events. Add it in <head> this way

<!--[if IE 8]><script src="{% static "leaflet/eventlister.ie8.js" %}"></script><!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 8]><script src="{% static "leaflet/eventlister.ie6-7.js" %}"></script><!--<![endif]-->

Customize map size


    .leaflet-container {  /* all maps */
        width:  600px;
        height: 400px;

    #specialbigmap {
        height: 800px;



In order to configure django-leaflet, just add a new section in your settings:

    # conf here

Spatial extent

You can configure a global spatial extent for your maps, that will automatically center your maps, restrict panning and add reset view and scale controls. (See advanced usage to tweak that.):

'SPATIAL_EXTENT': (5.0, 44.0, 7.5, 46)

Initial map center and zoom level

In addition to limiting your maps with SPATIAL_EXTENT, you can also specify initial map center and zoom level:

'DEFAULT_CENTER': (6.0, 45.0),

The tuple/list must contain (lat,lng) coords.

Default tiles layer

To globally add a tiles layer to your maps:

'TILES': 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'

This setting can also be a list of tuples (name, url, attributions).

If it contains several layers, a layer switcher will then be added automatically.

'TILES': [('Satellite', 'http://server/a/...', '© Big eye'),
          ('Streets', 'http://server/b/...', '© Contributors')]

Attribution prefix

To globally add an attribution prefix on maps (most likely an empty string)

'ATTRIBUTION_PREFIX': 'Powered by django-leaflet'

Default is None, which leaves the value to Leaflet's default.

Scale control

Disable scale control with km and miles:

'SCALE': False

Minimap control

Shows a small map in the corner which shows the same as the main map with a set zoom offset:


By default it shows the tiles of the first layer in the list.

(More info...)


To ease the usage of plugins, django-leaflet allows specifying a set of plugins, that can later be referred to from the template tags by name:

    'name-of-plugin': {
        'css': ['relative/path/to/stylesheet.css', '/root/path/to/stylesheet.css'],
        'js': 'http://absolute-url.example.com/path/to/script.js',
        'auto-include': True,
    . . .

Both 'css' and 'js' support identical features for specifying resource URLs:

  • can be either a plain string or a list of URLs

  • each string can be:

    • absolute URL - will be included as-is; example: http://absolute-url.example.com/path/to/script.js
    • a URL beginning from the root - will be included as-is; example: /root/path/to/stylesheet.css
    • a relative URL - settings.STATIC_URL will be prepended; example: relative/path/to/stylesheet.css will be included as /static/relative/path/to/stylesheet.css (depending on your setting for STATIC_URL)

Now, use leaflet_js and leaflet_css tags to load CSS and JS resources of configured Leaflet plugins.

By default only plugins with 'auto-include' as True will be included.

To include specific plugins in the page, specify plugin names, comma separated:

{% load leaflet_tags %}

    {% leaflet_js  plugins="bouncemarker, draw" %}
    {% leaflet_css plugins="bouncemarker, draw"%}

To include all plugins configured in LEAFLET_CONFIG['PLUGINS'], use:

{% leaflet_js plugins="ALL" %}
{% leaflet_css plugins="ALL" %}

Advanced usage

{% leaflet_map %} tag parameters

  • callback: javascript function name for initialization callback. (Default: None).
  • fitextent: control if map initial view shoud be set to extent setting. (Default: True). Setting fixextent to False will prevent view reset and scale controls to be added.
  • creatediv: control if the leaflet map tags creates a new div or not. (Default: True). Useful to put the javascript code in the header or footer instead of the body of the html document. If used, do not forget to create the div manually.
  • loadevent: One or more space-separated window events that trigger map initialization. (Default: load, i.e. all page resources loaded). If empty values is provided, then map initialization is immediate. And with a wrong value, the map is never initialized. :)


It is possible to setup the map spatial reference in LEAFLET_CONFIG:

'SRID': 2154  # See http://spatialreference.org

Additional parameter is required to compute scale levels : the tiles extent in local projection:

'TILES_EXTENT': [924861,6375196,985649,6448688],

For more information, have a look at this example.

Example of TileCache configuration compatible with Leaflet:



By default, django-leaflet will try to load the spatial reference from your static files at "proj4js/{{ srid }}.js". If it fails, it will eventually rely on spatialreference.org.




  • Lesser GNU Public License
  • Leaflet Copyright - 2010-2011 CloudMade, Vladimir Agafonkin