
A KNX/IP library for the ESP8266 with Arduino

Primary LanguageC++


This is a library for the ESP8266 to enable KNXnet/IP communication. It uses UDP multicast on It is intended to be used with the Arduino platform for the ESP8266.

How to use

The library is under development. API may change multiple times in the future.

A simple example:

#include <esp-knx-ip.h>

const char* ssid = "my-ssid";  //  your network SSID (name)
const char* pass = "my-pw";    // your network password

config_id_t my_GA;
config_id_t param_id;

void setup()
	// Register a callback that is called when a configurable group address is receiving a telegram
	knx.register_callback("callback_name", my_callback);

	// Register a configurable group address for sending out answers
	my_GA = knx.config_register_ga("send to this GA");

	int default_val = 21;
	param_id = knx.config_register_int("My Parameter", default_val);

	knx.load(); // Try to load a config from EEPROM

	WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
	while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

	knx.start(); // Start everything. Must be called after WiFi connection has been established


void loop()

void my_callback(knx_command_type_t ct, address_t const &received_on, uint8_t data_len, uint8_t *data)
	switch (ct)
		// Do something, like a digitalWrite
		// Or send a telegram like this:
		uint8_t my_msg = 42;
		knx.write1ByteInt(knx.config_get_ga(my_GA), my_msg);
	case KNX_CT_READ:
		// Answer with a value
		int value = knx.config_get_int(param_id);
		knx.answer1ByteInt(received_on, (uint8_t)value);

How to configure (buildtime)

Open the esp-knx-ip.h and take a look at the config options at the top inside the block marked CONFIG

How to configure (runtime)

Simply visit the IP of your ESP with a webbrowser. You can configure the following:

  • KNX physical address
  • Which group address should trigger which callback
  • Which group address are to be used by the program (e.g. for status replies)

The configuration is dynamically generated from the code.