Unoffical PHP client for App Store Server API.
- PHP >= 7.2
composer require nullform/app-store-server-api-client
Create an API Key instance:
$apiKey = new class extends AbstractApiKey {};
$apiKey->setPrivateKeyId('Your private key id');
$apiKey->setIssuerId('Your issuer id');
$apiKey->setName('Key name (optional)');
Create a Bundle instance(s):
$bundle = new class extends AbstractBundle {};
$bundle->setBundleId('Your bundle id');
$bundle->setName('Bundle name (optional)');
$bundle2 = new class extends AbstractBundle {};
$bundle2->setBundleId('Your bundle #2 id');
Create an API client instance:
$client = new AppStoreServerApiClient($apiKey, $bundle, Environment::PRODUCTION);
Use client for one or multiple bundles:
try {
$historyResponse = $client->getTransactionHistory($originalTransactionId);
$transactions = $historyResponse->getDecodedTransactions();
} catch (HttpClientException $httpClientException) {
echo "HTTP client error: " . $httpClientException->getMessage();
} catch (AppleException $appleException) {
echo "Apple error ({$appleException->getCode()}): " . $appleException->getMessage();
try {
$bundle2HistoryResponse = $client->setBundle($bundle2)->getTransactionHistory($originalTransactionId);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
AppStoreServerApiClient::getTransactionHistory(string $originalTransactionId, ?string $revision = null): HistoryResponse
Get a customer’s in-app purchase transaction history for your app.
AppStoreServerApiClient::getAllTransactionHistory(string $originalTransactionId): JWSTransactionDecodedPayload[]
Recursively get FULL transaction history.
AppStoreServerApiClient::getAllSubscriptionStatuses(string $originalTransactionId): StatusResponse
Get the statuses for all of a customer’s subscriptions in your app.
AppStoreServerApiClient::sendConsumptionInformation(string $originalTransactionId, ConsumptionRequest $request): void
Send consumption information about a consumable in-app purchase to the App Store after your server receives a consumption request notification.
AppStoreServerApiClient::lookUpOrderId(string $orderId): OrderLookupResponse
Get a customer’s in-app purchases from a receipt using the order ID.
AppStoreServerApiClient::getRefundHistory(string $originalTransactionId): RefundLookupResponse
Get a list of all refunded in-app purchases in your app for a customer.
string $originalTransactionId,
ExtendRenewalDateRequest $request
): ExtendRenewalDateResponse
Extend the renewal date of a customer’s active subscription using the original transaction identifier.
AppStoreServerApiClient::setBundle(BundleInterface $bundle): self
Set App Store bundle for authorize your API calls.
AppStoreServerApiClient::setTokenTtl(int $ttl): self
Set new value for JWT TTL (in seconds). Maximum value: 3600.
AppStoreServerApiClient::setHttpClientRequestTimeout(float $timeout): self
Set new value for HTTP client request timeout (in seconds).
To receive App Store Server Notifications use AppStoreServerNotificationsClient:
$notificationClient = new AppStoreServerNotificationsClient();
try {
$payload = $notificationClient->receive($requestBody);
} catch (NotificationBadRequestException $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage();
Note that AppStoreServerNotificationsClient only for version 2 notifications.