This program serves a single-page mediathek. Recordings can be played back, but not downloaded (at least not directly). This is required by the "GEMA-Rahmenvertrag" (contract with the rightsholder). Therefore I will not implement it. :(
- CherryPy==5.1.0
- Jinja2==2.8
- MarkupSafe==0.23
Put it on a webserver, and let it run. :) You need to symlink a directory containing the recordings as well as json-description file. This job can be done by qfrecord, a simple tool, to record, and name streamdumps using a (hopefully) provided stationxml file.
Is a crude, ugly XML standard to save schedules for radiostations. As it is ugly, Querfunk descided, to make it worse, and use its own dialect. Hooray. Therefore, my stationxml parser is useless for everybody, whose not specifically interested in Querfunk. :D