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Daily Verve is an app that sends an email to help you kick off your day every day! You get a warm good morning wish along with a random interesting art fact and an image generated by Chat GPT. The email consists of 3 parts:

  • Good Morning Greeting: Chat GPT response to the prompt “short nice message to kick off my day“
  • Interesting Art Fact: Chat GPT response to the prompt “an interesting random fact about art“
  • An Image Generated by DALL-E: DALL-E generates an images based on the previous Chat GPT response about art

Technologies Used

MERN Stack

The application utilizes the MERN Stack - a combination of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js. This framework choice facilitated the use of Javascript for both the front and back end. The MongoDB stores the user's information and recorded history as NoSQL objects, while the Node.js scripts are responsible for posting and fetching this data, which is subsequently displayed on the React frontend.

  • Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Frontend: React-Redux
  • Routes and Backend: Express.js and MongoDB
  • Hosting on Render
  • Asset Storage: AWS
  • OpenAI API
  • SendGrid

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