
This repository contains the source code for a React application that allows users to search for images using the Pixabay API. The application uses functional components and hooks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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This repository contains the source code for a React application that allows users to search for images using the Pixabay API. The application uses functional components and hooks.


  1. Image Search: Users can enter a search query to find images related to the input.
  2. Pagination: The app displays images in pages with a load more button to fetch more images.
  3. Modal View: Clicking on an image opens a modal with a larger view of the image.
  4. Responsive Design: The application is designed to work on various screen sizes.


  1. React: Utilizes React library for building the user interface.
  2. Axios: Makes API requests to Pixabay for fetching images.
  3. React Toastify: Displays notifications for user interactions.
  4. CSS Modules: Localized styling for components.


  1. Register on Pixabay and obtain an API key.

  2. Install the necessary dependencies:

    npm install