
This project is a React application for searching and displaying movie information. It uses the themoviedb.org API to fetch data about movies, actors, and reviews.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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React Movies

Live Demo

🎥 What's it all about? This application leverages the power of React and taps into the free API to bring you up-to-date details about movies, actors, and reviews. Whether you're a movie buff or just looking for your next favorite film, this project has got you covered!

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

  • src/: The source code of the React application.
    • components/: Reusable UI components.
      • Appbar.js: The top-level application bar.
      • Button.js: A button component.
      • Container.js: A container component for layout structure.
      • Navigation.js: Navigation component.
      • Searchbar.js: Search bar component.
      • PageTitle.js: Page title component.
      • MovieList.js: Component for displaying a list of movies.
      • MovieInfo/: Components related to movie information.
        • MovieInfoDetails.js: Component for displaying detailed movie information.
    • pages/: React components representing different pages of the application.
      • HomePage.js: Home page with trending movies.
      • MoviesPage.js: Page for searching and displaying movies.
      • MovieDetailsPage.js: Page for displaying detailed information about a specific movie.
        • Cast.js: Component for displaying information about the cast.
        • Reviews.js: Component for displaying movie reviews.
        • FullMovieInfo.js: Component for displaying full movie information.
    • services/: Functions for interacting with the themoviedb.org API. - api.js: API functions for fetching movie data.

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Project Requirements

Acceptance Criteria

  • Use this React Homework Template as a starting point for your program.
  • Create a repository named goit-react-hw-05-movies.
  • Provide a link to the source files and working pages of each project on GitHub Pages.
  • Components store the minimal necessary set of data in their state; the rest is computed.
  • No errors or warnings appear in the console during the execution of the assignment code.
  • Each component has a separate folder with a React component file and a styles file.
  • Everything a component expects as props is passed to it during the call.
  • Component names are clear and descriptive.
  • JS code is clean and understandable, using Prettier.
  • Styling is done with CSS modules or Styled Components.

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themoviedb.org API

  • Use the themoviedb.org API for the backend. Register (you can enter any data) and obtain an API key.
  • The following endpoints will be used in this task:
    • /trending/get-trending: List of today's most popular movies to create a collection on the main page.
    • /search/search-movies: Movie search by keyword on the movies page.
    • /movies/get-movie-details: Request for full information about a movie for the movie details page.
    • /movies/get-movie-credits: Request for information about the cast for the movie details page.
    • /movies/get-movie-reviews: Request for reviews for the movie details page.

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  • The application should have the following routes. If a user enters a nonexistent route, they should be redirected to the home page.
    • /: Home component, home page with a list of popular movies.
    • /movies: Movies component, page for searching movies by keyword.
    • /movies/:movieId: MovieDetails component, page with detailed information about a movie.
      • /movies/:movieId/cast: Cast component, information about the cast. Rendered on the MovieDetails page.
      • /movies/:movieId/reviews: Reviews component, information about reviews. Rendered on the MovieDetails page.