
DVB-Stream decoding in Java

Primary LanguageJava

DVB ➔ Java ➔ Web


Private small project with these challenges

  • access Linux DVB-Device (for now: DVB-C) from Java via JNA
  • receive and decode all those data-tables (PAT, PMT, NIT, SDT, EIT, etc...) - also with Java
  • present decoded stuff in a small Web-UI (using good old AngularJS)

Howto run

  • Clone
  • Adapt some for-now hard-coded parameters to your needs (e.g. Adapter-Number, Network-ID, Initial tuning parameter)
  • Maven-build - or just have IntelliJ or so
  • Start Spring-Boot application ch.oli.web.DvbApplication
  • Open Browser and go to http://localhost:8080/index.html - press the "Tune" button

technical info

  • Java-part mainly controls DVB-Devices "DVB-Frontend" and "DVB-Demux" via ioctl-commands
  • Starts a receiver-thread for every relevant PID (PID 0 = PAT, PID 16 = NIT, etc...)
  • Receive and decode all those DVB-tables
  • Send the decoded values via JSON and WebSocket to the Web-UI
  • Web-UI collects the single infos to a "whole view" and presents it

code structure

  • package ch.oli.ioctl contains the JNA-native stuff - especially lots of "Java'ized" C-structs from the Linux DVB C-Header-Files
  • package ch.oli.decode contains my first implementations of various DVB-decoders (they simply print to text-console) and helpers
  • package ch.oli.web contains the Spring-Boot application which makes use of the other packages