
Minesweeper implementation with a ml algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


Minesweeper implementation with a Reinforcement Learning Agent

Where to start?

You want to play Minesweeper? Run

python gui.py

or train a model using

python training.py

If you want to play with an existing model, specify the model_path as a parameter of the agent and disable QTrainer.train_step.


Filename Content
gui.py Playable Minesweeper GUI program
training.py Trains a DQN on 100.000 minesweeper games
minesweeper.py Minesweeper logic
agent.py Implements the reinforcement learning agent which is used during training
bruteforce.py Implements a Minesweeper Bruteforce Algorithm
dqn.py holds the DQN model used by the agent
model.py QTrainer class which trains the DQN model and updates the Q Parameter
utils.py utility functionality
__bruteforce_test.py internal test cases for the bruteforce algorithm