
In progress - MTG life counter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In progress - MTG life counter

This is a small project to make a life counter for Magic: The Gathering. It's also a chance for me to give CSS Grid a go too.

It's nearly operational

It's basic features are operational 😁

On with the To-do list!


  • Make the life counter
  • Make the "poison" and "energy" counters
  • Make the reset button work
  • Give the "poison" and "energy" counters a Hide/show toggle
  • Make a colour toggle for players
  • (Make some decent colours!)
  • Create form to customise life total And hide/show toggle
  • Swap grid out? This may not be the best use for Grid
  • Customise buttons
  • Change the font?
  • Prettify!
  • Cordova wrapper?