
repo for my zsh config, bash scripts and mac setup script

Primary LanguageShell


repo for my zsh config, bash scripts and mac setup script

Using these scripts

First, setup.sh.

First this installs oh-my-zsh & homebrew.

Then installs the following brew casks:

  • graphql-playground
  • visual-studio-code
  • mongodb-compass
  • postman
  • insomnia
  • firefox
  • google-chrome
  • google-chat
  • spotify
  • monitorcontrol
  • rectangle

And the following brews:

  • mongodb
  • n
  • deno
  • yarn
    • nodemon
    • create-react-app
    • parcel
    • typescript

It will also install, iterm2 and some vim plugins via pathogen

$ mkdir -p ~/dev/.scripts

$ git clone git@github.com:SeedBoot/.scripts.git ~/dev/.scripts

$ cd ~/dev/.scripts

$ ./setup.sh

Then ☕


echo 'if [ -r ~/dev/.scripts/.myzsh ]; then\n    source ~/dev/.scripts/.myzsh\nfi' >> ~/.zshrc