
Issue with integration

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I’m a complete noob regarding coding so please correct me if I’m doing something wrong, but after adding this in HACS and as an integration, I configure my address (which works) and then have no idea how to proceed.

No devices show up in HA, nor any entities..

I’ve removed the config with my address and set a new one by adding a device, and still nothing shows up.

olibos commented

Hello @Devairen ,

Can you give me an address to let me check?

Thank you

olibos commented

Hello @Devairen ,

Sorry for the delay.
I've check at your address with:

And there is no information returns :

As their web API is not returning any information, there is no data in my integration.
Maybe, you can contact them https://www.recycleapp.be/contact to know why?

When their websites returns information for your address, you may refresh this integration to show the correct data.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
