
Learning - getting flask app to work on AWS using ECS

Primary LanguagePython

ECS demo

Example of deploying machine learning model API on AWS using docker+conda+flask+nginx+gunicorn

Based on this resource:


Work in progress


Conda - https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/

Docker - https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/

AWS - https://aws.amazon.com/

AWS cli - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/setup-aws-cli.html

rebuild model

Fits classifier based on bin/market-invoice-data.csv & saves model binary as .pkl file

conda config --add channels conda-forge \
conda env create -n ecsdemo -f environment.yml 
conda activate ecsdemo
python3 src/model/fit_model.py

TODO - add custom sklearn transformer to demo

rebuild and run docker image locally

build a livescoring API as docker image (flask+nginx+conda) docker build -t oli5679/ecsdemo . docker run -p 80:80 oli5679/ecsdemo

Also fits 'Shap' explainer, that can explain feature impacts on model prediction.

TODO - get gunicorn working on ecs


test local api

post to localhost:80/score to test live scoring


{"model_inputs": {"Price Grade": 6.0, "Face Value": 18318.0, "Advance": 16486.2, "Advance %": 90.0, "Discount %": 1.0,
"Outstanding Principal": 0.0, "Face Value (GBP)": 18318.0, "Advance (GBP)": 16486.2, "Outstanding Principal (GBP)": 0.0,
"Annualised Gross Yield %": 14.164038846995776, "expected_duration": 31, "prev_settles": 0, "Currency_EUR": 0,
"Currency_GBP": 1, "Currency_USD": 0, "Discount On (Advance or Face Value)_Advance": 0, "Discount On (Advance or Face
Value)_Facevalue": 1}, "model_score": 0.06014613151916984, "date_time": 1576418241.493108}

push to ECR

setup AWS cli, look up account id and then run the following commands

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name flask-ecs-demo

aws ecr get-login --region eu-west-2 --no-include-email

[run the login snippet]

[replace with actual account id]

docker tag oli5679/ecsdemo:latest 782247268784.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/flask-ecs-demo

docker push 782247268784.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/flask-ecs-demo

TODO - investigate adding unit tests + Jenkins build pipeline

deploy app on ECS

follow step 4 and onwards from here https://linuxacademy.com/blog/linux-academy/deploying-a-containerized-flask-application-with-aws-ecs-and-docker/

TODO - investigate automating with teraform/jenkins, and also increasign security/IAM

TODO - investigate autoscaling and logging

TODO - investigate eks

test app

lookup url on ECS console, and post to url + /score


{"model_inputs": {"Price Grade": 6.0, "Face Value": 18318.0, "Advance": 16486.2, "Advance %": 90.0, "Discount %": 1.0,
"Outstanding Principal": 0.0, "Face Value (GBP)": 18318.0, "Advance (GBP)": 16486.2, "Outstanding Principal (GBP)": 0.0,
"Annualised Gross Yield %": 14.164038846995776, "expected_duration": 31, "prev_settles": 0, "Currency_EUR": 0,
"Currency_GBP": 1, "Currency_USD": 0, "Discount On (Advance or Face Value)_Advance": 0, "Discount On (Advance or Face
Value)_Facevalue": 1}, "model_score": 0.06014613151916984, "date_time": 1576418241.493108}

## other links



