
Interop library for the Olifanton project with basic primitives

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Olifanton Interop library

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composer require olifanton/interop


Getting started

Install olifanton/interop package via Composer and include autoload script:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\BitString;
use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\Cell;

// Now you can use Interop classes




Address is a class that allows you to work with smart contract addresses in the TON network. Read more about Addresses in official documentation.

Address constructor
 * @param string | \Olifanton\Interop\Address $anyForm
public function __construct(string | Address $anyForm)


  • $anyForm — Address in supported form. Supported values are:
    • Friendly format (base64 encoded, URL safe or not): EQBvI0aFLnw2QbZgjMPCLRdtRHxhUyinQudg6sdiohIwg5jL;
    • Raw form: -1:fcb91a3a3816d0f7b8c2c76108b8a9bc5a6b7a55bd79f8ab101c52db29232260;
    • Other Address instance, in this case the new instance will be an immutable copy of the other address.

Depending on the passed value, the Address instance will store information about the input address flags.

If the input value is not a valid address, then \InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

Address static methods
isValid(string | \Olifanton\Interop\Address $anyForm): bool

Checks if the passed value is a valid address in any form.

Address methods
toString(): string
 * @param bool|null $isUserFriendly User-friendly flag
 * @param bool|null $isUrlSafe URL safe encoded flag
 * @param bool|null $isBounceable Bounceable address flag
 * @param bool|null $isTestOnly Testnet Only flag
public function toString(?bool $isUserFriendly = null,
                         ?bool $isUrlSafe = null,
                         ?bool $isBounceable = null,
                         ?bool $isTestOnly = null): string

Returns a string representation of Address.

If all parameters are left as default, then the address will be formatted with the same flags whose value was recognized in the constructor.

getWorkchain(): int

Returns Workchain ID. Returns -1 for Masterchain and 0 for basic workchain.

getHashPart(): Uint8Array

Returns address Account ID.

isTestOnly(): bool

Returns true if the address has the isTestnetOnly flag.

isBounceable(): bool

Returns true if the address has the isBounceable flag.

isUserFriendly(): bool

Returns true if the address is user-friendly.

isUrlSafe(): bool

Returns true if the address was encoded with URL-safe characters only.



BitString is a class that allows you to manipulate binary data. BitString is at the heart of the PHP representation of TVM Cells. BitString is memory optimized for storing binary data. Internally, BitString uses implementation of Uint8Array provided by olifanton/typed-arrays package and is used as the base type for transferring binary data between parts of the Olifanton libraries.

The BitString instance is created with a strictly fixed length. write% (writeBit, writeUint, ...) methods move the internal cursor. If you try to write a value that exceeds the length of the free bits, BitStringException exception will be thrown.

BitString constructor
 * @param int $length
public function __construct(int $length)


  • $length — length of Uint8Array. Default value for TVM Cell: 1023 (Documentation)
BitString methods
getFreeBits(): int

Returns unused bits length of BitString.

getUsedBits(): int

Returns used bits length of BitString.

getUsedBytes(): int

Returns used bytes length of BitString.

get(): bool
 * @param int $n Position
public function get(int $n): bool

Returns a bit value at $n position.

on(): void
 * @param int $n Position
public function on(int $n): void

Sets a bit value to 1 at position $n.

off(): void
 * @param int $n Position
public function off(int $n): void

Sets a bit value to 0 at position $n.

toggle(): void
 * @param int $n Position
public function toggle(int $n): void

Toggle (inverse) bit value at position $n.

iterate(): \Generator

Returns Generator of used bits.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\BitString;

$bs = new BitString(4);

foreach ($bs->iterate() as $b) {
    echo (int)$b;
// Prints "1011"
writeBit(): void
 * @param int|bool $b
public function writeBit(int | bool $b): void

Writes bit and increase BitString internal cursor.

writeBitArray(): void
 * @param array<int | bool> $ba Array of bits
public function writeBitArray(array $ba): void

Writes array of bits.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\BitString;

$bs = new BitString(4);
$bs->writeBitArray([1, false, 0, true]);

foreach ($bs->iterate() as $b) {
    echo (int)$b;
// Prints "1001"
writeUint(): void
 * @param int|\Brick\Math\BigInteger $number Unsigned integer
 * @param int $bitLength Integer size (8, 16, 32, ...)
public function writeUint(int | BigInteger $number, int $bitLength): void

Writes $bitLength-bit unsigned integer.

writeInt(): void
 * @param int|\Brick\Math\BigInteger $number Signed integer
 * @param int $bitLength Integer size (8, 16, 32, ...)
public function writeInt(int | BigInteger $number, int $bitLength): void

Writes $bitLength-bit signed integer.

writeUint8(): void

Alias of writeUint() method with predefined $bitLength parameter value.

writeBytes(): void
 * @param \Olifanton\TypedArrays\Uint8Array $ui8 Byte array
public function writeBytes(Uint8Array $ui8): void

Write array of unsigned 8-bit integers.

writeString(): void
 * @param string $value
public function writeString(string $value): void

Writes UTF-8 string.

writeCoins(): void
 * @param int|\Brick\Math\BigInteger $amount
public function writeCoins(int | BigInteger $amount): void;

Writes coins in nanotoncoins. 1 TON === 1000000000 (10^9) nanotoncoins.

writeAddress(): void
 * @param \Olifanton\Interop\Address|null $address TON Address
public function writeAddress(?Address $address): void

Writes TON address

writeBitString(): void
 * @param \Olifanton\Interop\Boc\BitString $anotherBitString BitString instance
public function writeBitString(BitString $anotherBitString): void

Writes another BitString to this BitString.

clone(): BitString

Clones this BitString and returns new BitString instance.

toHex(): string

Returns hex string representation of BitString.

getImmutableArray(): Uint8Array

Returns immutable copy of internal Uint8Array.

getLength(): int

Returns size of BitString in bits.



Cell is a class that implements the concept of TVM Cells in PHP. To create new and process received messages from the blockchain, you will work with instances of the Cell class.

Cell constructor

Without parameters.

Cell methods
fromBoc(): Array<Cell>
 * @param string|Uint8Array $serializedBoc Serialized BoC
 * @return Cell[]
public static function fromBoc(string|Uint8Array $serializedBoc): array

Creates array of Cell's from byte array or hex string.

oneFromBoc(): Cell
 * @param string|Uint8Array $serializedBoc Serialized BoC
 * @param bool $isBase64 Base64-serialized flag, default false
public static function oneFromBoc(string|Uint8Array $serializedBoc, bool $isBase64 = false): Cell

Fetch one root Cell from byte array or hex string.

writeCell(): void
 * @param Cell $anotherCell Another cell
 * @return Cell This Cell
public function writeCell(Cell $anotherCell): self

Writes another Cell to this cell and returns this cell. Mutable method.

getMaxDepth(): int

Returns max depth of child cells.

getBits(): BitString

Returns internal BitString instance for writing and reading.

getRefs(): ArrayObject<Cell>

Returns Array-like object of children cells.

hash(): Uint8Array

Returns SHA-256 hash of this Cell.

print(): string

Recursively prints cell's content like Fift.

toBoc(): Uint8Array
 * @param bool $has_idx Default _true_
 * @param bool $hash_crc32 Default _true_
 * @param bool $has_cache_bits Default _false_
 * @param int $flags Default _0_
public function toBoc(bool $has_idx = true,
                      bool $hash_crc32 = true,
                      bool $has_cache_bits = false,
                      int  $flags = 0): Uint8Array

Creates BoC Byte array.



Slice is the type of cell slices. A cell can be transformed into a slice, and then the data bits and references to other cells from the cell can be obtained by loading them from the slice.

load% (loadBit, loadUint, ...) methods move the Slice internal cursor. If you try to read a value that exceeds the length of the free bits, SliceException exception will be thrown.

Slice constructor
 * @param \Olifanton\TypedArrays\Uint8Array $array
 * @param int $length
 * @param \Olifanton\Interop\Boc\Slice[] $refs
public function __construct(Uint8Array $array, int $length, array $refs)


  • $array — Uint8Array from BitString representation of Cell
  • $length — BitString length
  • $refs — Children Cells slices
Slice methods
getFreeBits(): int

Returns the unread bits according to the internal cursor.

get(): bool
 * @param int $n
public function get(int $n): bool

Returns a bit value at position $n.

loadBit(): bool

Reads a bit and moves the cursor.

loadBits(): Uint8Array
 * @param int $bitLength
public function loadBits(int $bitLength): Uint8Array

Reads bit array.

loadUint(): BigInteger
 * @param int $bitLength
public function loadUint(int $bitLength): BigInteger

Reads unsigned integer.

loadInt(): BigInteger
 * @param int $bitLength
public function loadInt(int $bitLength): BigInteger

Reads signed integer.

loadVarUint(): BigInteger
 * @param int $bitLength
public function loadVarUint(int $bitLength): BigInteger
loadCoins(): BigInteger

Reads TON amount in nanotoncoins.

loadAddress(): ?Address

Reads Address.

loadRef(): Slice

Reads one of children Cell.



The Builder allows you to quickly create cells (operating inside a BitString instance). All instances of the Builder class are mutable and all methods return the same instance. The builder interface in most cases duplicates the interface of the BitString class.



Hashmap class is a PHP representation of a TL-B dictionary structure.

To work with the Hashmap class, you need to consider the following features:

  • internal state of the keys is always an array of bits;
  • internal state of values is always Cell;
  • keys are always fixed length.

Due to the peculiarities of internal state, it is not always convenient to use keys and values of different types in Hashmap. To facilitate the usage of dictionaries, special closures (as instance of DictSerializers) can be passed to the constructor of Hashmap class, which simplify the marshalling of keys into bit arrays and values into Cells.

Consider the following example of using a dictionary. The key is a signed 32-bit integer and the value is an unsigned 128-bit BigInteger:

use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\Hashmap;
use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\DictSerializers;
use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\Builder;
use Olifanton\Interop\Boc\Cell;
use Brick\Math\BigInteger;

$dict = new Hashmap(
    32, // Key size,

    // KV marshalling setup
    new DictSerializers(
        // closure converts a number into a bit array, using an intermediate cell (created by Builder) and toBitsA() helper method of BitString class
        keySerializer: static fn(int $userFriendlyKey, int $keySize): array => (new Builder())->writeInt($userFriendlyKey, $keySize)->cell()->bits->toBitsA(),
        // closure converts a bit array into a number, using an intermediate cell (created by Builder)
        keyDeserializer: static fn(array $bitsKey, int $keySize): int => (new Builder())->writeBitArray($bitsKey)->cell()->beginParse()->loadInt($keySize)->toInt(),

        // closure writes BigInteger value into Cell
        valueSerializer: static fn(BigInteger $userFriendlyValue): Cell => (new Builder())->writeUint($userFriendlyValue, 128)->cell(),
        // closure loads BigInteger value from Cell
        valueDeserializer: static fn(Cell $internalValue): BigInteger => $internalValue->beginParse()->loadUint(128),

// add value to dictionary
$dict->set(1, BigInteger::fromBase("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16));
// now, internal Hashmap storage contains record with key [00000000000000000000000000000001] and Cell value

var_dump($dict->get(1)->toBase(10)); // 340282366920938463463374607431768211455

During development, you can implement any closures that will convert your scalar KV types into key arrays and value Cells. You can also use predefined serializers provided in the static constructors of the DictSerializers class:

  • DictSerializers::uintKey()
  • DictSerializers::intKey()
  • DictSerializers::addressKey()
  • DictSerializers::intValue()
  • DictSerializers::uintValue()

We can rewrite example to use predefined serializers and reduce code size:

$dict = new Hashmap(
    DictSerializers::uintKey(isBigInt: false)->combine(DictSerializers::uintValue(128)),
$dict->set(1, BigInteger::fromBase("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16));

var_dump($dict->get(1)->toBase(10)); // 340282366920938463463374607431768211455


composer run test


Please make sure to read the Olifanton contribution guide before making a pull request.

Setup environment

Prepare your environment for development.

Note that the instructions describe working on *nix systems (Linux and possibly macOS), development on Windows may be difficult and will not be covered in these instructions.

You'll need:

  1. Minimum PHP version: 8.1;
  2. sodium extension;
  3. hash extension.

Fork repository

Make a repository fork in your GitHub account.

Clone your repository

git clone git@github.com:<YOUR_GITHUB_NAME>/interop.git
cd interop

Create a feature/ (or hotfix/) branch

git branch feature/<FEATURE_NAME>
git checkout feature/<FEATURE_NAME>

Create pull request

After implementing your new feature (or hotfix) in your local branch, you should commit and push changes to your fork repository. After that you can create a pull-request.
