
Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is a discord bot for the ScuffedMDB website, if you are hosting this website, this bot could be for you!

What does it do?

Reacts to events

Movie Actions

  • Movie Added

Channel creation under specified category


  • Movie Deleted

Channel Deletion

Review Actions

  • Review Added

    Embed added to review thread under movie channel


  • Review Modified

Embed updated

  • Review Deleted

Embed removed from thread

User Actions

  • User Added


  • User Banned




Set this up for your server

First go to the developer panel on discord and create a new application, then under the Bot tab create a new bot and save the bot token for later.

To invite the bot to a server of your choice, insert your client id found under the general information tab of the discord developer panel, to the following URL and then visit it on your browser.


Select the server you want the bot in, and job done!

Download files:

git clone https://github.com/mah51/scuffedmdb-bot.git

Install dependencies:

npm install



  //version of the bot
  "version": "1.0.0",
  //owner of the bot
  "ownerID": "143699512790089729",
  //prefix for commands
  "prefix": "?",
  //color of standard embeds
  "embedColor": "#a70000",
  //ID of the server the bot is operating in
  "serverID": "689991856930553917",
  //category that new channels will be created on movie addition
  "categoryID": "875431541025693757",
  // the role that a user receives on reviewing the latest movie
  "reviewedRoleID": "875431637914107955",
  // If this value is true, the bot will log every event in console, to a certain channel.
  "logChannel": "875590238255333396"

Copy .env.example, rename to .env and fill in the values. .env

BOT_TOKEN=<your bot token go to developer tab on discord create new application -> bot create bot -> copy bot token>
WEB_URL=<THE WEBSITE URL eg. https://movie.michael-hall.me>
WEBHOOK_TOKEN=<This needs to be the same token as in the website repo, and acts as a password so make it secure!>

Running the bot:

npm run build
npm run start

NB: If you want to make changes to the bot fork it first and then clone it, but make sure whenever you make a change and want to run it in production you need to run npm run build to compile the typescript to js.

Running the bot in dev mode:

If you use vscode you can use the profile in launch.json to run the bot, or nodemon . if not.