
Functions for modifying data strings in Minecraft

Primary LanguagemcfunctionMIT LicenseMIT

Oligo's Strings Datapack for Minecraft (ostrmc)


Functions for modifying data strings. All functions provided are run using functions in a single Minecraft tick (no command blocks).


Once the data pack is installed, type /reload in-game to load all data pack assets.

The data pack can be disabled in-game using the command /function ostr:uninstall, whereafter the contents can be removed from the data packs folder.


Inputs and outputs to each function can be found in the ostr:io NBT storage namespace. The namespace contains 2 modifiable tags:

  1. in:{}: the input(s) to a function
  2. out: the output from a function

The following functions are provided in this datapack:

  1. ostr:concat - Concatenate an array of strings into a single string in the same tick
  2. ostr:slice - Slice a string into a substring by index
  3. ostr:parse - Parse a string into a character array
  4. ostr:find - Find substring(s) in a string
  5. ostr:replace - Replace old substring(s) in a string with a new substring
  6. ostr:int2hex - Convert an int-array to a hexadecimal string
  7. ostr:hex2int - Convert a hexadecimal string to an int-array
  8. ostr:num2str - Convert a number or numeric-array to a string

Each function takes the following arguments:

  1. ostr:concat - Concatenate an array of strings into a single string

    • Input: in:{array}


      1. in.array (List): an array of strings
    • Output (String): a concatenated string

    • Notes:

      • Cannot concatente strings containing the characters \"'
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in.array set value ["hello", " world"]
      function ostr:concat
      # "hello world"
      data modify storage ostr:io in.array set value ["tp minecraft:enderman[tag=", "test", "] ", "0 0 0"]
      function ostr:concat
      # "tp minecraft:enderman[tag=test] 0 0 0"
  2. ostr:slice - Slice a string into a substring by index

    • Inputs: in:{string, start: 0, end: 0}


      1. in.string (String): a string
      2. in.start (Int): start index (inclusive)
      3. in.end (Int): end index (exclusive)
    • Output (String): a substring of in.string from start to end indeces

    • Notes:

      • Returns empty string if in.start is further along string than in.end
      • Negative indeces count from end of string (beginning from -1)
      • If in.start or in.end are not provided, assumes value 0
      • Escape characters (\) add to string length and are present in output
      • Maximum output string length is 65536
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"abcd", start:0, end:2}
      function ostr:slice
      # "ab"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"ab\"cd", start:0, end:4}
      function ostr:slice
      # "ab\\""
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"abcd", start:-2147483648, end:2147483647}
      function ostr:slice
      # "abcd"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"abcd", start:-3, end:-1}
      function ostr:slice
      # "bc"
  3. ostr:parse - Parse a string into a character array

    • Input: in:{string}


      1. in.string (String): a string
    • Output (List): an array of individual characters

    • Notes:

      • Maximum parseable string length limited by maxCommandChainLength
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in.string set value "abc"
      function ostr:parse
      # ["a", "b", "c"]
  4. ostr:find - Find substring(s) in a string

    • Input: in:{string, value}


      1. in.string (String): a string
      2. in.value (String): the substring to find
    • Output (Int Array): An array of indeces where substring matches

    • Notes:

      • Case sensitive
      • Maximum searchable string length limited by maxCommandChainLength
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"hello world", value:"l"}
      function ostr:find
      # [I; 2, 3, 9]
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"Lorem Ipsum", value:"i"}
      function ostr:find
      # [I;]
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"aaaaaa", value:"aa"}
      function ostr:find
      # [I; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  5. ostr:replace - Replace old substring(s) in a string with a new substring

    • Input: in:{string, old, new, count: 2147483647}


      1. in.string (String): a string
      2. in.old (String): the substring to be replaced
      3. in.new (String): the substring to replace with
      4. in.count (Int): the number of substrings to replace
    • Output (String): a string

    • Notes:

      • Case sensitive
      • Cannot replace strings containing the characters \"'
      • If in.count is negative or not provided, assumes value 2147483647
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"hello world", old:"l", new:"w"}
      function ostr:replace
      # "hewwo worwd"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"hello there world", old:"there ", new:""}
      function ostr:replace
      # "hello world"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"ssssss", old:"ss", new:"t", count:2}
      function ostr:replace
      # "ttss"
  6. ostr:int2hex - Convert an int-array to a hexadecimal string

    • Input: in:{array, uuid: false}


      1. in.array (Int-array): an int-array
      2. in.uuid (Boolean): treat input as a UUID int-array and return output in UUID hyphenated hex format
    • Output (List): a string in hex or hyphenated-hex format

    • Notes:

      • If uuid is not specified, assumes value false
      • If uuid is true, uses last 4 values of int-array, and missing values assume 0
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {array:[I;123456789]}
      function ostr:int2hex
      # "75bcd15"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {array:[I;-987654321, 123456789]}
      function ostr:int2hex
      # "c521974f75bcd15"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {array:[I;-1119056911,-663994114,-1196126437,115991415], uuid: true}
      function ostr:int2hex
      # "bd4c8bf1-d86c-40fe-b8b4-8f1b06e9e377"
  7. ostr:hex2int - Convert a hexadecimal string to an int-array

    • Input: in:{string}


      1. in.string (String): a hexadecimal string
    • Output (List): an int-array

    • Notes:

      • Skips any non-hex character (0123456789abcdef)
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"abc123"}
      function ostr:hex2int
      # [I;11256099]
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {string:"e6b8d762-8147-4e53-9217-17b8b289e31f"}
      function ostr:hex2int
      # [I;-424093854,-2126033325,-1843980360,-1299586273]
  8. ostr:num2str - Convert a number or numeric-array to a string

    • Input: in:{value}


      1. in.value (Boolean or Byte or Short or Int or Long or Float or Double or Byte-array or Int-array or Long-array): a number or numeric-array
    • Output (String): a string representation of the number or numeric-array

    • Notes:

      • Maximum output string length is 65536
    • Example(s):

      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {value:123.456f}
      function ostr:num2str
      # "123.456f"
      data modify storage ostr:io in set value {value:[I;1,2,3,4,5]}
      function ostr:num2str
      # "[I;1,2,3,4,5]"


