
Tutorial for B'more on Rails

Primary LanguageCSS

#Bmore On Rail Workshop Tutorial

This site is created using jekyll. If you're struggling to find information here, more can be found there.


If you're interested in contributing YAY! and THANK YOU! Please fork this repo and submit any changes as a pull request.

##Up and Running

Before you get started, make sure you have Ruby 2.x installed locally.

Then, clone the repo and run bundle install.

Now, you can get the site up and running locally by running jekyll serve. You can view the running site by going to http://localhost:4000/rails_tutorial/. (Note that the trailing slash is not optional.)



The config value open_links_in_new_tab in config.yml results in all links opening in a new tab. You can override this behavior on individual links by setting the target attribute back to the default value (_self) or if you just don't want the thing to work that way, remove that config value or set it to false.


Because we use custom plugins that Github-pages doesn't support, you must compile the page locally and deploy the contents of the _site directory only to the gh-pages branch using the following steps:

Deploying is a little dangerous with the jekyll site because there is no versioning on the gh-pages branch. So please be super thoughtful before pushing changes.

  1. Delete your local copy of the gh-pages branch if you already have one. git branch -D gh-pages
  2. git checkout master
  3. git pull origin master
  4. git checkout -b gh-pages
  5. jekyll build
  6. rm -rf _config.yml _layouts _scss about.md index.md _chapters _includes _plugins css js Gemfile.lock Gemfile _installation/ README.md assets/
  7. mv _site/* .
  8. rm -rf _site/
  9. git add .
  10. git commit -m "Your commit message"
  11. git push origin gh-pages -f