
Simple login system in python

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Login System

This Python script provides a basic command-line interface for a login system, allowing users to register new accounts with a username and password, and then log in using their credentials. The system uses password hashing for security, ensuring that passwords are not stored in plain text.


User Registration: New users can register by choosing a unique username and a password. The password is hashed before it is stored, enhancing security. User Login: Registered users can log in by entering their username and password. The system verifies the hashed password, granting access only if the credentials match. Password Hashing: Uses the bcrypt library for secure password hashing. Secure Password Input: Passwords are entered securely, hiding input from shoulder surfers.

The script requires the following Python libraries:

ast: For safely evaluating strings containing Python expressions from a simple database file. logging: For logging errors and system messages. bcrypt: For hashing and verifying passwords. base64: For encoding and decoding hashed passwords as strings for storage. getpass: For secure password input that doesn't echo characters on the terminal.

File Storage

User credentials (usernames and hashed passwords) are stored in a plain text file named database.txt. Each line in the file represents a user account in the form of a Python dictionary literal, e.g., {'username': 'john_doe', 'password': 'hashed_password'}.