Mancala Game with Spring Boot

This is a mancala game that has a basic UI and full backend code. Technologies:

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring MVC
  • JQuery
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Thymeleaf
  • JUnit 5
  • Swagger 3

Build & Run

This is a maven project. So simply use maven lifecycle. (mvn clean compile to compile) Since this is a spring boot application, just run MancalaApplication which is annotated with SpringBootApplication.

The application will run on 8080 port. So, to open the home page, follow http://localhost:8080.

You will see a button written Click to Play on it. Please click it, this will redirect you inside the game, and you will see the game board. Now you're ready to play, just enjoy!


There are two REST endpoints in the project:

[POST] /mancala/new-game
[POST] /mancala/play

/new-game endpoint is not being used currently inside UI but if another application integrates to our backend, then it must call /new-game endpoint to create an initial board.

Swagger was implemented to test the endpoints easily. You will see the endpoint details on Swagger UI. To open the Swagger UI, please follow http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/.


slf4j library was used for logging.

Unit Tests

Code coverage:
Class: %95
Method: %88
Line: %89