Sublime Text 3 Snippets

Some custom snippets I find useful


HTML snippets

Tab trigger Description
html5 Create blank HTML5 document
select Create blank select dropdown

JavaScript snippets

Tab trigger Description
cdn Create jQuery and jQuery UI CDN markup
jq Create jQuery blank $(document).ready function

Codeigniter snippets

Tab trigger Description
cicont New CI Controller
cimodel New CI Model
cilang CI Lang Line
cibenchs CI Benchmark Start
cibenche CI Benchmark End
cibencht CI Benchmark Total


  • To install one snippet: drop the snippet in directory '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User'
  • To install all snippets: drop the entire directories "html" and "javascript" in '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User'

Support on Beerpay

Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of 🍻!

Beerpay Beerpay