This project creates a way to determine whether /r/wallstreetbets gives accurate predictions of what stocks will be good to invest in. We compare the ROI of recommended stocks to the S&P 500.
We make use of multiple APIs in order to obtain data from Reddit and Alpaca Markets.
To be able to run these files, we installed the following libraries and packages:
pip install alpaca_trade_api
pip install datetime
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install pmaw
pip install re
pip install time
We were required to create an account and credentials to access the Alpaca Markets API. Our credentials are in a file that is ignored by Git, but they are still necessary to pull data. The website for the Alpaca Market API is linked: The GitHub also has more information on how to set up using the API: The PMAW API does not require credentials.
Regarding our data visualizations, we used matplotlib to generate a few different kinds of graphs. We created line graphs (using the LineCollection, ColorMap, and BoundaryNorm functions to determine whether a stock price was increasing or decreasing) and bar graphs to showcase the difference in Reddit and the S&P 500 stock prices.