Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Temporal Referential Games


This repo provides a new architecture and dataset for Emergent Communication research. We introduce a variant of the well-known referential games, where we include a temporal aspect to the communication. This is done through skewing the target distribution to include target repetitions at random intervals. Through this we aim to study how and when temporal references can emerge between agents.



For Linux and Windows:

conda env create -f environment.yml

For Mac M1/M2:

conda env create -f environment-metal.yml


python -m trgl.run [OPTIONS]

Possible command line options are available with

python -m trgl.run --help

Reproducing the paper results

The following commands have been used to create the results for our paper. The data for visualisations was collected from the interaction logs and WandB. The repeat chance has been varied between [0.25,0.50,0.75], the previous horizon between [4,8], the message length between [5,6], the vocabulary size between [26,48], and the length penalty between [0, 0.001].

The command below was run using Slurm with requested resources of 96GB of RAM, 20 cores of Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPUs, and an NVidia RTX8000. However, it should be possible to run using much fewer resources, especially in terms of the GPU power and memory.

Additionally, to run the command below you will need a WandB account, or to disable wandb logging with --wandb_offline. This will however mean that running our notebook for analysis will not be possible, until the results are extracted from the logs, or uploaded to WandB.

python -m trgl.run \
        --max_epochs 600 \
        --num_objects 20000 \
        --num_distractors 10 \
        --num_properties 8 \
        --num_features 8 \
        --message_length length \
        --vocab_size vocab_size \
        --repeat_chance chance \
        --prev_horizon prev_horizon \
        --length_penalty length_penalty \
        --attention_sender=False \
        --attention_receiver=False \
        --sender_hidden 128 \
        --receiver_hidden 128 \
        --wandb_group  "e600-r05-h${prev_horizon}-lp${length_penalty}-ln${message_length}-v${vocab_size}"

Code Structure and Documentation

The structure is as follows:

- trgl # Top layer directory
    - analysis
        - data # Directory to supply the data to analyse
        - langauge_analysis_v2.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook used to analyse the data as generated by run.py
        - has_analysis.ipynb # Jupyter Notebook used to analyse the data using Harris Segmentation Scheme adapted from Ueda et al. 2023.
    - config
        - slurm_config.txt # Slurm configuration for job arrays. Can be run with example slurm script.
    - trgl
        - models
            - temporal_lstm.py # Neural network structure
        - utils
            - gumbel_softmax.py # Code adapted from EGG for GS Discretisation
            - metrics.py # Code for different metrics used in the analysis
            - causal_mask.py # Causal masking for attention layers
            - positional_encoding.py # Positional encoding module for attention
            - harris_segmentation.py # Code for Harris Segmentation Scheme adapted from Ueda et al. 2023.
        - dataset.py # Dataset generation logic
        - run.py # Main entry point

The file run.py generates different datasets and tests all types of agents on them. It then saves the generated data and interactions logs to a logs folder.

These logs can then be used by language_analysis_v2.ipynb to analyse the language that the agents use.

Most of the code is relatively well-commented and documented, so for more details than provided above, refer to the Python files themselves.


WandB logger seems to hang currently, so a hacky workaround is used.