
An alembic/sqlalchemy extension for migrating sql views, functions, triggers, and policies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Alembic Utils

Test Status Pre-commit Status

License PyPI version Codestyle Black Download count

Python version PostgreSQL version

Documentation: https://olirice.github.io/alembic_utils

Source Code: https://github.com/olirice/alembic_utils

Autogenerate Support for PostgreSQL Functions, Views, Materialized View, Triggers, and Policies

Alembic is the defacto migration tool for use with SQLAlchemy. Without extensions, alembic can detect local changes to SQLAlchemy models and autogenerate a database migration or "revision" script. That revision can be applied to update the database's schema to match the SQLAlchemy model definitions.

Alembic Utils is an extension to alembic that adds support for autogenerating a larger number of PostgreSQL entity types, including functions, views, materialized views, triggers, and policies.


Update alembic's env.py to register a function or view:

# migrations/env.py
from alembic_utils.pg_function import PGFunction
from alembic_utils.replaceable_entity import register_entities

to_upper = PGFunction(
  signature='to_upper(some_text text)',
  RETURNS text as
    SELECT upper(some_text)
  $$ language SQL;


You're done!

The next time you autogenerate a revision with

alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'create to_upper'

Alembic will detect if your entities are new, updated, or removed & populate the revison's upgrade and downgrade sections automatically.

For example:

"""create to_upper

Revision ID: 8efi0da3a4
Create Date: 2020-04-22 09:24:25.556995
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic_utils.pg_function import PGFunction

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '8efi0da3a4'
down_revision = None
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

def upgrade():
    public_to_upper_6fa0de = PGFunction(
        signature="to_upper(some_text text)",
        returns text
        $$ select upper(some_text) $$ language SQL;


def downgrade():
    public_to_upper_6fa0de = PGFunction(
        signature="to_upper(some_text text)",
        definition="# Not Used"


Visit the quickstart guide for usage instructions.

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To run the tests

# install pip dependencies
pip install wheel && pip install -e ".[dev]"

# run the tests
pytest src/test

To invoke the linter automated formatting and generally make use of precommit checks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

# manually run
pre-commit run --all