No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.4.0 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\DefaultApi();
$authorization = "authorization_example"; // string |
$limit = "limit_example"; // string |
$ordering = "ordering_example"; // string |
$search = "search_example"; // string |
$offset = "offset_example"; // string |
try {
$api_instance->itemsBySkuList($authorization, $limit, $ordering, $search, $offset);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->itemsBySkuList: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DefaultApi | itemsBySkuList | GET /items-by-sku | |
DefaultApi | productGroupsCreate | POST /product-groups | |
DefaultApi | productGroupsDelete | DELETE /product-groups/{id} | |
DefaultApi | productGroupsList | GET /product-groups | |
DefaultApi | productGroupsPartialUpdate | PATCH /product-groups/{id} | |
DefaultApi | productGroupsRead | GET /product-groups/{id} | |
DefaultApi | productGroupsUpdate | PUT /product-groups/{id} | |
DefaultApi | productsCreate | POST /template/products | |
DefaultApi | productsDelete | DELETE /template/products/{gtin} | |
DefaultApi | productsList | GET /template/products | |
DefaultApi | productsPartialUpdate | PATCH /template/products/{gtin} | |
DefaultApi | productsRead | GET /template/products/{gtin} | |
DefaultApi | productsUpdate | PUT /template/products/{gtin} | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersCreate | POST /seller-orders | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersDelete | DELETE /seller-orders/{code} | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersItemsList | GET /seller-orders-items | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersItemsRead | GET /seller-orders-items/{id} | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersList | GET /seller-orders | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersPartialUpdate | PATCH /seller-orders/{code} | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersRead | GET /seller-orders/{code} | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersShipment | PUT /seller-orders/{code}/shipment | |
DefaultApi | sellerOrdersUpdate | PUT /seller-orders/{code} | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsCreate | POST /seller-products | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsDelete | DELETE /seller-products/{sku} | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsHistoryList | GET /seller-products-history | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsHistoryRead | GET /seller-products-history/{seller_product__sku} | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsList | GET /seller-products | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsPartialUpdate | PATCH /seller-products/{sku} | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsRead | GET /seller-products/{sku} | |
DefaultApi | sellerProductsUpdate | PUT /seller-products/{sku} | |
DefaultApi | sellersCreate | POST /sellers | |
DefaultApi | sellersDelete | DELETE /sellers/{id} | |
DefaultApi | sellersList | GET /sellers | |
DefaultApi | sellersPartialUpdate | PATCH /sellers/{id} | |
DefaultApi | sellersRead | GET /sellers/{id} | |
DefaultApi | sellersUpdate | PUT /sellers/{id} | |
DefaultApi | statsRead | GET /_stats/orders/{seller_id} | |
DefaultApi | statsRead_0 | GET /_stats/products/{seller_id} | |
DefaultApi | usersCreate | POST /users | |
DefaultApi | usersDelete | DELETE /users/{id} | |
DefaultApi | usersList | GET /users | |
DefaultApi | usersPartialUpdate | PATCH /users/{id} | |
DefaultApi | usersRead | GET /users/{id} | |
DefaultApi | usersUpdate | PUT /users/{id} |
- MODEL053815
- MODEL0cb980
- MODEL2eaa59
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- MODEL686451
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- MODELd4278c
- MODELeaf0a6
- MODELf3a1b6
- MODELf585b9
- MODELfa9d13
All endpoints do not require authorization.