
Peer-graded Assignment: Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project

Primary LanguageR

Summarize and Tidy Up the UCI "Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones" Data Set

This repository is my attempt at the peer-graded assignment "Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project" from the John Hopkins Data Science Specialization on Coursera.

Files in this Repository

  • README.md: Describes the purpose and the contents of this repository

  • run_analysis.R: Generates a tidied up and summarized data set from the original UCI data set

    • generates summary.txt
  • CodeBook.txt: This code book describes the data set generated by run_analysis.R

run_analysis.R: Transformations on the Original Data Set

  1. Download the data set and decompress it

  2. Merge the training and the test data.

  3. Rename the columns according to the features.txt.

  4. Filter only the columns regarding the mean and the standard deviation.

  5. Aggregate the mean of the features measurements over the activity and the performing subject.

  6. Transform the table using the activities as column names (variables).

  7. Rename the columns with descriptive names using the lowercase labels from activity_labels.txt with all characters except a-z stripped out.

  8. Write the summarized and tidied up data set to summary.txt