
Transform magnitudes to mass using isochrones

Primary LanguagePython


Infer masses from magnitudes and isochrones


create a conda environement: conda create -n sakam python=3.8

and activate it with conda activate sakam and install the following packages:

conda install -c conda-forge numpy pandas scipy h5py corner progressbar matplotlib emcee dill extinction numba

Note: The emcee version from the repository shows slightly better convergence.

How to run:

  1. Run kalkayotl to obtain individual distances to the stars in your sample.

  2. Download the isochrone (e.g. Parsec) with the photometric bands you intent to use (save it as a csv file)

  3. Modify the globals_example.py file to provide:

    1. Input files.
    2. Variable names.
    3. MCMC parameters.
    4. Additional parameters.
  4. Activate the environment (conda activate sakam) and run the script with: launch_sakam globals_example.py

Simple version

A simple example on how to use Sakam is in example.py. Use it if you already have the absolute magnitudes.