
This is a dot net solution that demonstrates mongodb transactions with eventsourcing

Primary LanguageC#


This is a dot net solution that demonstrates mongodb transactions with eventsourcing


  1. Install MongoDb locally
  2. Run the following command to set up a replica set:
  mongod --replSet rs0 --dbpath c:\data\rs1 --port 37017
  mongod --replSet rs0 --dbpath c:\data\rs2 --port 37018 
  mongod --replSet rs0 --dbpath c:\data\rs3 --port 37019
  1. Run the following command to configure the replica set:
  mongo --port 37017
  config = {  
    _id: "rs0",
    members: [
      {_id: 0, host: "localhost:37017"},
      {_id: 1, host: "localhost:37018"},
      {_id: 2, host: "localhost:37019"}
  1. Initialize the needed db and collections:
use usersystem

Run the solution

  1. From the following folder /src/MongoDbTransactionsDemo.Api build and run the solution:
dotnet build
dotnet run