- Tuan Anh Nguyen (614636)
- Alagie F Nget (614251)
- Biniam Abrha Nigusse (614623)
Part 1. Create your own project for Spark Streaming: read adult.csv file, kafka -> spark streaming -> hbase
Part 2. Integrate HBase and/or Hive with Part 1: using HBase
Part 3. Create a simple demo project for any of the following tools: using Kafka
Part 4. Record a demo of your Presentation of all the above 3 parts. Be professional! : using MS Stream on Teams
Start HBase:
sudo service hbase-master start;
sudo service hbase-regionserver start;
Download Kafka:
Start Kafka:
./kafka-server-start.sh -daemon config/server.properties
Check Kafka:
ps aux | grep kafka
Check HBase
hbase shell
scan 'adult'
It's already on Project. Can check it here: