
A command line tool for the Mix V4 authoring API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


mix-cli is a command line tool that provides access to the Mix V4 API.

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Installing mix-cli

To install mix-cli, simply type:

npm install -g @nuance-mix/mix-cli

mix-cli requires Node.js version 14 or more recent.

Configuring mix-cli

In order to configure mix-cli, you need service credentials that give you access the Mix V4 API. These credentials can be found under your user profile in the Mix.dashboard Tool.

To configure mix-cli, simply type:

mix init

The init command asks for a few pieces of configuration data. Defaults are provided for the Mix production system in the US geography. Service credentials are requested last.

The mix-cli configuration is stored under ~/.config/@nuance-mix/mix-cli/ on Unix and macOS systems and under %LOCALAPPDATA%\@nuance-mix\mix-cli\ on Windows systems. The configuration is stored in a file named "config.json" that is accessible only to the user who executed the init command.

Overriding the central configuration

Configuration elements can be overriden by using the following environment variables:

  • MIX_API_SERVER: the Mix V4 API server fully-qualified domain name
  • MIX_AUTH_SERVER: the Mix Authentication server fully-qualified domain name
  • MIX_CLIENT_ID: your service credentials client ID
  • MIX_CLIENT_SECRET: your service credentials client secret
  • MIX_SCOPE: OAuth scope used to access the Mix V4 API
  • MIX_TENANT: your Mix tenant

For convenience, the overriding environment variables can be stored in a .env file. mix-cli looks for the .env file in the current working directory when it starts up.

Configuration values found in the .env file have precedence those provided in the central configuration. Configuration values provided using actual environment variables have precedence over both those in the .env file and those in the central configuration.

Retrieving the access token

With the relevant configuration in place, you first need to retrieve an access token before using any of the other cli commands. Simply type:

mix auth

mix-cli stores the access token in file named "access-token" in the same directory it stores its central configuration. Like the configuration file, the access token file is only accessible to the user who executed the auth command.

Access tokens expire after 15 minutes. mix-cli takes care of refreshing the access token.

Choosing a command output format

Some commands offer up to 4 different types of output format.

  • The human-readable format is the default output format and simply outputs text or tabular data.
  • The "json" format provides the raw data returned by the remote server in JSON format.
  • The "yaml" format provides the raw data returned by the remote server in YAML format.
  • The "csv" output format provides multiple rows of comma-separated values with a header row and is meant to be consumed by spreadsheet applications.

Select the JSON or YAML output format to get the actual data returned the remote server. Note that some commands can only display a subset of the data available when "csv" output is chosen.

Sorting and filtering

Some commands offer the ability to filter and/or sort the output data. The filtering and sorting are done by the remote server when the functionality is supported by the endpoint. Otherwise, filtering and sorting are performed locally in mix-cli.

Autocompleting commands

Thanks to the oclif/plugin-autocomplete plugin, commands can be autocompleted when mix.cli is used with the bash or zsh shell. Type mix autocomplete bash or mix autocomplete zsh, follow the instructions and then launch a new shell. You will then get autocompletion of mix.cli commands by pressing the tab key.

Type mix autocomplete --refresh-cache to rebuild the autocompletion cache, which is useful when upgrading to a version of mix.cli that introduces new commands.

Finally, type mix autocomplete --help to get help on using the autocomplete setup command.

Providing defaults for often-used command arguments

Many commands require a project ID, organization ID and/or locale. mix-cli will default to the value contained in the following environment variables, if they exist, or if they are provided in the .env file:

  • MIX_LOCALE: gets used as default for --locale
  • MIX_ORGANIZATION: gets used as default for --organization.
  • MIX_PROJECT: gets used as default for --project.

Using the mix-cli client code

The client code used by mix-cli to communicate with the Mix V4 API can be reused to write other applications that make use of the Mix V4 API. You can view the API client documentation and there is a short example in the examples directory. Please consult the Mix V4 API documentation for additional information.

Learning more about Mix

Please visit the Mix Documentation site to learn more about Mix.


See our Contribution Guidelines.


mix app-configs:create

create an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:create

  -D, --deployment-flow=deployment-flow  (required) deployment flow ID
  -M, --mix-app=mix-app                  (required) Mix application ID
  -P, --project=project                  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -T, --tag=tag                          (required) context tag
  --json                                 output raw data in JSON format
  --use-project-data-hosts               use data hosts defined in project
  --with-build-type=asr|dialog|nlu       build types to include
  --with-locale=with-locale              locale code; use format 'aa-AA'
  --yaml                                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to create an application configuration. The Mix Application ID
  can be looked up using the applications:list command. The deployment flow ID
  can be retrieved using the deployment-flows:list command. The context tag
  should be unique.

  Create an application configuration using latest builds from project without data hosts information
  $ mix app-configs:create -M 233 -D 32 -T AC_20211028 -P 1922

  Create an application configuration using latest builds from project but only for build type ASR
  and locale en-US, without data hosts information
  $ mix app-configs:create -M 233 -D 32 -T AC_20211028 -P 1922 --with-locale en-US --with-build-type asr

  Create an application configuration using latest builds from project including data hosts defined in project
  $ mix app-configs:create -M 233 -D 32 -T AC_20211028 -P 1922 --use-project-data-hosts

See code: src/commands/app-configs/create.ts

mix app-configs:deploy

deploy an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:deploy

  -C, --config=config  (required) application configuration ID
  --env-geo=env-geo    environment-geography ID
  --json               output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml               output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to deploy an application configuration. The configuration ID
  can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.

  A specific environment-geography can be specified using the --env-geo flag.
  If none is specified, the application configuration will get deployed to the
  next environment-geography defined in the deployment flow specified when
  the application configuration was created.

  Deploy an application configuration to the next environment-geography
  $ mix app-configs:deploy -C 88

  Deploy an application configuration to a specific environment-geography
  $ mix app-configs:deploy -C 88 --env-geo 233

See code: src/commands/app-configs/deploy.ts

mix app-configs:destroy

destroy an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:destroy

  -C, --config=config    (required) application configuration ID
  -c, --confirm=confirm  skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to permanently delete an application configuration.
  The deletion needs to be confirmed by re-typing the application configuration
  ID when prompted. It can also be pre-confirmed by using the --confirm flag.

See code: src/commands/app-configs/destroy.ts

mix app-configs:export

export an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:export

  -C, --config=config            (required) application configuration ID
  -R, --runtime-app=runtime-app  (required) fully-qualified runtime application ID
  -f, --filepath=filepath        (required) output file path
  --overwrite                    overwrite output file if it exists

  Use this command to export an application configuration. The configuration ID
  can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command. The runtime application ID
  can be found with the app-credentials:list command.

  The contents of the exported zip file depend on the role you have been granted
  on the Mix platform.

  Export an application configuration
  $ mix app-configs:export -C 2269 -R NMDPTRIAL_alex_smith_company_com_20190919T190532 -f app-config.zip

See code: src/commands/app-configs/export.ts

mix app-configs:get

get details about an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:get

  -C, --config=config  (required) application configuration ID
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-separated) (with --csv only)
  --csv                output to csv format
  --filter=filter      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json               output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header          hide table header from output
  --no-truncate        do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=sort          property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml               output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to get details about a particular application configuration.
  The configuration ID can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.
  Use the --json or --yaml flag to get the full details as the human-readable
  output is brief.

  $ mix app-configs:get -C 3404

See code: src/commands/app-configs/get.ts

mix app-configs:list

list application configurations for a Mix application

  $ mix app-configs:list

  -M, --mix-app=mix-app                (required) Mix application ID
  --columns=columns                    only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                                output to csv format
  --exclude-overrides                  exclude application configurations that are overridden
  --filter=filter                      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                               output raw data in JSON format
  --live-only                          include only the application configurations that are currently deployed
  --no-header                          hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                        do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=sort                          property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --with-runtime-app=with-runtime-app  filter results by fully-qualified runtime app ID
  --with-tag=with-tag                  filter results by context tag
  --yaml                               output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list the application configurations in an organization.
  The organization ID can be retrieved using the organizations:list command.
  A number of flags can be used to constrain the returned results. The runtime
  application IDs can be retrieved using the app-credentials:list command.

  $ mix app-configs:list -M 164 --with-runtime-app NMDPTRIAL_alex_smith_company_com_20190919T190532

See code: src/commands/app-configs/list.ts

mix app-configs:undeploy

undeploy an application configuration

  $ mix app-configs:undeploy

  -C, --config=config  (required) application configuration ID
  --env-geo=env-geo    environment-geography ID
  --json               output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml               output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to undeploy a specific application configuration.
  The configuration ID can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.
  The environment-geographies relevant to an application configuration can be
  found in the JSON output of the app-configs:get command.

  Undeploy an application configuration to the next environment-geography
  $ mix app-configs:undeploy -C 88

  Undeploy an application configuration from a specific environment-geography
  $ mix app-configs:undeploy -C 88 --env-geo 233

See code: src/commands/app-configs/undeploy.ts

mix app-configs:upgrade

update an application configuration to latest build versions

  $ mix app-configs:upgrade

  -C, --config=config       (required) application configuration ID
  --json                    output raw data in JSON format
  --use-project-data-hosts  use data hosts defined in project
  --yaml                    output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to upgrade an application configuration to the latest build
  versions. The configuration ID can be retrieved using the app-configs:list command.

  Upgrade an application configuration using latest builds from project without data hosts information
  $ mix app-configs:upgrade -C 334

  Upgrade an application configuration using latest builds from project including data hosts defined in project
  $ mix app-configs:upgrade -C 334 --use-project-data-hosts

See code: src/commands/app-configs/upgrade.ts

mix app-credentials:list

list application credentials for a Mix application

  $ mix app-credentials:list

  -M, --mix-app=mix-app          (required) Mix application ID
  --full                         show all application credentials details
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --with-geo-name=with-geo-name  geography name
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list the application credentials for a Mix application.
  This lets you retrieve the Mix Application ID that is required in other

  List application credentials for a Mix application
  $ mix app-credentials:list -M 22

  List application credentials for a Mix application that match a specific environment-geography
  $ mix app-credentials:list -M 22 --with-geo-name "Production US"

See code: src/commands/app-credentials/list.ts

mix applications:list

list Mix applications in an organization

  $ mix applications:list

  -O, --organization=organization      (required) organization ID
  --columns=columns                    only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                                output to csv format
  --filter=filter                      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --full                               show all application details (permissions allowing)
  --json                               output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                          hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                        do not truncate output to fit screen
  --omit-overridden                    omit application configurations that are overriden
  --sort=sort                          property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --with-runtime-app=with-runtime-app  filter results by fully-qualified runtime app ID
  --yaml                               output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list Mix applications for a specific Mix organization.
  A number of flags can be used to constrain the returned results.

  $ mix applications:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/applications/list.ts

mix auth

obtain Mix access token

  $ mix auth

  -h, --help  show CLI help

  Use this command to retrieve an access token. Once Mix.cli has acquired the
  access token, it takes care of refreshing it automatically.

  mix auth

See code: src/commands/auth.ts

mix autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ mix autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ mix autocomplete
  $ mix autocomplete bash
  $ mix autocomplete zsh
  $ mix autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

mix builds:destroy

destroy a build

  $ mix builds:destroy

  -P, --project=project          project ID
  -c, --confirm=confirm          skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --build-label=build-label      build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>
  --build-type=asr|dialog|nlu    build type
  --build-version=build-version  build version
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to permanently delete a build. The build can be specified
  using the build label or the combination of project ID, build type and build

  The deletion needs to be confirmed by re-typing the build label when prompted.
  It can also be pre-confirmed by using the --confirm flag.

  Destroy a build
  $ mix builds:destroy -P 1922 --build-type asr --build-version 11

  Destroy a build using a build label
  $ mix builds:destroy --build-label ASR_1922_11

  Destroy a project and provide automatic confirmation
  $ mix builds:destroy --build-label ASR_1922_11 --confirm ASR_1922_11

See code: src/commands/builds/destroy.ts

mix builds:export

export a project build

  $ mix builds:export

  -P, --project=project          project ID
  -f, --filepath=filepath        (required) output file path
  --build-label=build-label      build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>
  --build-type=asr|dialog|nlu    build type
  --build-version=build-version  build version
  --overwrite                    overwrite output file if it exists

  Use this command to export a project build. The build can be specified using
  the build label or the combination of project ID, build type and build version.

  The contents of the exported zip file depend on the role you have been granted
  on the Mix platform.

  Export a build using a build label
  $ mix builds:export --build-label ASR_29050_11 -f build.zip

  Export a build using project ID, build type and build version
  $ mix builds:export -P 29050 --build-type asr --build-version 11 -f build.zip --overwrite

See code: src/commands/builds/export.ts

mix builds:get

get details about a build

  $ mix builds:get

  -P, --project=project          project ID
  --build-label=build-label      build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>
  --build-type=asr|dialog|nlu    build type
  --build-version=build-version  build version
  --columns=columns              only show provided columns (comma-separated) (with --csv only)
  --csv                          output to csv format
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --no-truncate                  do not truncate output to fit screen
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to get details about a particular build. The build can be
  specified using the build label or the combination of project ID, build type
  and build version.

  mix builds:get -P 1922 --build-type nlu --build-version 1

See code: src/commands/builds/get.ts

mix builds:latest

list latest build of each type

  $ mix builds:latest

  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --columns=columns      only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                  output to csv format
  --filter=filter        filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list the latest version for each build type of a particular

  List latest builds
  $ mix builds:latest -P 1922

See code: src/commands/builds/latest.ts

mix builds:list

list builds

  $ mix builds:list

  -P, --project=project        (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --build-type=asr|dialog|nlu  (required) build type
  --columns=columns            only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                        output to csv format
  --filter=filter              filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                       output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=limit                limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-header                  hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=offset              to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=sort                  comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml                       output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list all versions of a build type for a particular project.

  mix builds:list -P 1922 --build-type nlu

See code: src/commands/builds/list.ts

mix data-hosts:list

list data host details

  $ mix data-hosts:list

  -D, --deployment-flow=deployment-flow  deployment flow ID
  -M, --mix-app=mix-app                  (required) Mix application ID
  -P, --project=project                  project ID
  --build-label=build-label              build label (format is <buildType>_<projectId>_<buildVersion>
  --build-version=build-version          build version
  --columns=columns                      only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                                  output to csv format
  --filter=filter                        filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                                 output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=sort                            property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list data host details for a particular Mix Application ID
  and dialog build. The build can be specified using the build label or the
  combination of project ID and build version. The Mix Application ID can be
  retrieved using the applications:list command.

  mix data-hosts:list -D 66 -M 62 -P 14990 --build-version 1

See code: src/commands/data-hosts/list.ts

mix deployment-flows:list

list deployment flows

  $ mix deployment-flows:list

  -O, --organization=organization  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --columns=columns                only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                            output to csv format
  --json                           output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=limit                    limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-truncate                    do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=offset                  to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=sort                      comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml                           output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list all deployment flows for a specific organization.
  The organization ID can be retrieved by using the organizations:list command.

  mix deployment-flows:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/deployment-flows/list.ts

mix engine-packs:list

list engine packs

  $ mix engine-packs:list

  -O, --organization=organization  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --json                           output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                           output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list the engine packs available to a specific organization.

  mix engine-packs:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/engine-packs/list.ts

mix environments:list

list available environments

  $ mix environments:list

  -O, --organization=organization  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --columns=columns                only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                            output to csv format
  --filter=filter                  filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                           output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=limit                    limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-header                      hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                    do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=offset                  to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=sort                      comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml                           output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list all environments available to a specific organization.

  mix environments:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/environments/list.ts

mix geographies:list

list geographies

  $ mix geographies:list

  --columns=columns  only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              output to csv format
  --filter=filter    filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json             output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=limit      limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-header        hide table header from output
  --no-truncate      do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=offset    to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=sort        comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml             output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list the geographies available on the platform.

  mix geographies:list

See code: src/commands/geographies/list.ts

mix help [COMMAND]

display help for mix

  $ mix help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

mix init

initialize mix.cli configuration

  $ mix init

  Use this command to initialize the Mix.cli configuration. Elements of the
  configuration can also be overridden using environment variables.

  mix init

See code: src/commands/init.ts

mix jobs:cancel

cancel a job

  $ mix jobs:cancel

  -J, --job=job          (required) job ID
  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=confirm  skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to cancel a job. Canceling a job does not necessarily
  terminate it but allows a similar job to be launched before the completion
  of the original one.

  mix jobs:cancel -P 1922 -J 15d4d4ce-7cc3-45f6-ab38-aad326e6fc20

See code: src/commands/jobs/cancel.ts

mix jobs:get

get details about a job

  $ mix jobs:get

  -J, --job=job          (required) job ID
  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --columns=columns      only show provided columns (comma-separated) (with --csv only)
  --csv                  output to csv format
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --watch                poll status of job every minute
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to get details about a particular job.

  mix jobs:get -P 1922 -J 25a08872-c635-43f1-b459-5bd98a1c2576

See code: src/commands/jobs/get.ts

mix jobs:list

list jobs for a project

  $ mix jobs:list

  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --columns=columns      only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                  output to csv format
  --filter=filter        filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=limit          limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-header            hide table header from output
  --no-truncate          do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=offset        to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=sort            comma-separated properties to sort by (prepend '+'/'-' for ascending/descending)
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list all jobs related to a particular project.

  mix jobs:list -P 1922

See code: src/commands/jobs/list.ts

mix language-topics:list

list language topics for an organization

  $ mix language-topics:list

  -O, --organization=organization  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --columns=columns                only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --filter=filter                  filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                           output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                      hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                    do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=sort                      property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                           output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list language topics available to a specific organization.

  mix language-topics:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/language-topics/list.ts

mix literals:export

export entity literals

  $ mix literals:export

  -E, --entity-name=entity-name  (required) entity name
  -L, --locale=locale            (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -P, --project=project          (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -f, --filepath=filepath        (required) output file path
  --overwrite                    overwrite output file if it exists

  Use this command to export literal-value pairs for a specific entity.
  It is possible to specify the locale(s) for which the pairs should be exported.

  The contents of the exported zip file depend on the role you have been granted
  on the Mix platform.

  $ mix literals:export -P 29050 -E DrinkSize -L en-US -f literals.zip --overwrite

See code: src/commands/literals/export.ts

mix literals:import

import entity literals, appending to existing literals by default

  $ mix literals:import

  -E, --entity-name=entity-name  (required) entity name
  -L, --locale=locale            (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -P, --project=project          (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=confirm          skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  -f, --filepath=filepath        (required) input file path
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --replace                      replace, rather than append, existing entity literals
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to import literal-value pairs into a project. By default, the
  literal-value pairs are appended to the project in the specified locale. It is
  also possible to completely replace literal-value pairs for the specified locale
  by using the --replace flag.

  The import needs to be confirmed by re-typing the entity name when prompted.
  It can also be pre-confirmed by using the --confirm flag.

  Import entity literals by appending
  $ mix literals:import -P 29050 -E DrinkSize -L en-US -f literals.trsx

  Import entity literals by appending using pre-confirmation
  $ mix literals:import -P 29050 -E DrinkSize -L en-US -f literals.trsx -c DrinkSize

  Import entity literals by replacing
  $ mix literals:import -P 29050 -E DrinkSize -L en-US -f literals.trsx --replace

  Import entity literals by replacing using pre-confirmation
  $ mix literals:import -P 29050 -E DrinkSize -L en-US -f literals.trsx -c DrinkSize --replace

See code: src/commands/literals/import.ts

mix ontology:export

export ontology

  $ mix ontology:export

  -L, --locale=locale      (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -P, --project=project    (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -f, --filepath=filepath  (required) output file path
  --overwrite              overwrite output file if it exists

  Use this command to export the ontology for a particular project. 

  The contents of the exported zip file depend on the role you have been granted
  on the Mix platform.

  $ mix ontology:export -P 29050 -L en-US -f ontology.zip --overwrite

See code: src/commands/ontology/export.ts

mix ontology:import

import by appending to existing ontology

  $ mix ontology:import

  -P, --project=project    (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=confirm    skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  -f, --filepath=filepath  (required) input file path
  --json                   output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                   output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to import an ontology into a specific project. The provided
  ontology can only be appended to the existing ontology.

  The import needs to be confirmed by re-typing the project ID when prompted.
  It can also be pre-confirmed by using the --confirm flag.

  Import an ontology
  $ mix ontology:import -P 29050 -f ontology.zip

  Import an ontology using pre-confirmation
  $ mix ontology:import -P 29050 -f ontology.zip -c 29050

See code: src/commands/ontology/import.ts

mix organizations:list

list available Mix organizations

  $ mix organizations:list

  --all                                       show all organizations
  --columns=columns                           only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                                       output to csv format
  --filter=filter                             filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --full                                      display all organization details, including members count
  --json                                      output raw data in JSON format
  --limit=limit                               limit maximum results returned (defaults to Mix API behavior)
  --no-header                                 hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                               do not truncate output to fit screen
  --offset=offset                             to exclude e.g., the first 10 (sorted) results, set --offset=10
  --sort=sort                                 property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --with-organization-type=personal|standard  organization type
  --yaml                                      output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list the organizations you are part of.

  mix organizations:list

See code: src/commands/organizations/list.ts

mix projects:build

build a project

  $ mix projects:build

  -L, --locale=locale             (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -P, --project=project           (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --build-type=asr|dialog|nlu     [default: nlu] build type
  --json                          output raw data in JSON format
  --nlu-model-type=accurate|fast  [default: fast] build version
  --notes=notes                   notes about the build
  --yaml                          output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to build a project.

  Build a project to create models for nlu and asr using locale en-US
  $ mix projects:build -L en-US -P 1922 --build-type asr --build-type nlu --nlu-model-type fast --notes "Our first 

See code: src/commands/projects/build.ts

mix projects:configure

configure a project

  $ mix projects:configure

  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --data-pack=data-pack  (required) data pack name, including version (use aa-AA@x.y.z format)
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to update the data pack for a locale used in a project.
  The operation is not carried out immediately. Instead, the Mix backend returns
  a job ID that can be used to monitor progress. mix.cli outputs detailed
  information on the created job when the --json flag is provided.

  Note that you cannot add a new locale with this command.

  $ mix projects:configure -P 1922 --data-pack en-US@4.7.0

See code: src/commands/projects/configure.ts

mix projects:create

create a new project

  $ mix projects:create

  -L, --locale=locale              (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -O, --organization=organization  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  -c, --channel=channel            (required) channel
  -m, --modes=modes                (required) channel modes (audioscript|dtmf|interactivity|richtext|tts)
  -n, --name=name                  (required) project name
  -t, --topic=topic                (required) data pack topic, e.g. 'gen'
  --child-data-compliant           marks projects as being child-data compliant
  --description=description        project description (for child data compliance)
  --engine-pack=engine-pack        engine pack ID (UUID format)
  --json                           output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                           output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to create a new project. Many parameters are needed to
  create a project. In particular, channels and modes go hand in hand. A --channel
  flag must be matched by a --modes flag. Use a comma-separated list (no spaces)
  of mode names to specify multiple modes for a channel.

  Given the right user permissions, it is possible to specify an engine pack using
  the --engine-pack flag.

  Nuance’s Child Data Policy
  Nuance’s Child Data Policy is related to online services that are subject to
  applicable child data privacy laws, such as, but not limited to, the Children’s
  Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and Article 8 of GDPR. Nuance’s Child
  Data Policy prohibits providing hosted services to websites or online services
  that are primarily directed towards children under the age of 16.

  When you create a project, you are required to acknowledge whether or not the
  builds for this project will be used in an application that is deployed in a
  Nuance hosted service in connection with an online site, service, application
  or product that is primarily directed to children under 16.

  This acknowledgement must be completed for any projects that are intended
  for use in the Nuance SaaS cloud.

  To acknowledge such a project, use the --child-data-compliant flag and also
  provide a description of your project using the --description flag.

  Create a project with one channel and two modes
  $ mix projects:create -c Channel1 -L en-US -m "dtmf,tts" -O 64 -t gen -n "ACME Project"

  Create a project with two channels: one with two modes, the other with a single mode
  $ mix projects:create -c Channel1 -L en-US -m "dtmf,tts" -c Channel2 -m interactivity \
    -O 64 -t gen -n "ACME Project"

  Create a child-data-compliant project
  $ mix projects:create -c Channel1 -L en-US -m "dtmf,tts" -O 64 -t gen -n "ACME Project" \
    --child-data-compliant --description "ACME project description"

  Create a project with a specific engine-pack
  $ mix projects:create -c Channel1 -L en-US -m "dtmf,tts" -O 64 -t gen \
    -n "ACME Project" --engine-pack 995f6e23-07ff-4f89-9e42-97d0398da7fc

See code: src/commands/projects/create.ts

mix projects:destroy

destroy a project

  $ mix projects:destroy

  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID
  -c, --confirm=confirm  skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to permanently delete a specific project.
  Unless a backup exists, there is no way to restore a project that
  has been destroyed.

  The deletion needs to be confirmed by re-typing the project ID when prompted.
  It can also be pre-confirmed by using the --confirm flag.

  Destroy a project
  $ mix projects:destroy -P 1922

  Destroy a project and provide automatic confirmation
  $ mix projects:destroy -P 1922 -c 1922

See code: src/commands/projects/destroy.ts

mix projects:export

export project package

  $ mix projects:export

  -P, --project=project    (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -f, --filepath=filepath  (required) output file path
  --metadata-only          export project metadata JSON file only
  --overwrite              overwrite output file if it exists

  Use this command to export the project package to a zip file.

  Note that the grammar, transformation, and pronunciation files are restricted
  to Nuance Professional Services users and not available to all users.
  As such, the project package exported by regular users will not include
  these files. Regular users may end up with an incomplete project after calling
  this endpoint.

  Use the --metadata-only flag to export the project metadata JSON file only.

  Export the project package to a zip file
  $ mix projects:export -P 29050 -f project.zip --overwrite

  Export the projecte metadata JSON file only
  $ mix projects:export -P 29050 -f metadata.json --metadata-only --overwrite

See code: src/commands/projects/export.ts

mix projects:get

get details about a project

  $ mix projects:get

  -P, --project=project                (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  --columns=columns                    only show provided columns (comma-separated) (with --csv only)
  --csv                                output to csv format (with --table only)
  --json                               output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                          hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                        do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=sort                          property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --table=channels|data-packs|project  data table to output (with --csv only)
  --yaml                               output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to get details about a particular project.

  CSV output is available for this command but only for one section of project
  information at a time. The chosen section is specifed using the --table flag.

  mix projects:get -P 1922

See code: src/commands/projects/get.ts

mix projects:list

list projects

  $ mix projects:list

  -O, --organization=organization  (required) organization ID (defaults to MIX_ORGANIZATION)
  --columns=columns                only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                            output to csv format
  --filter=filter                  filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --json                           output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header                      hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                    do not truncate output to fit screen
  --sort=sort                      property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --yaml                           output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list projects that are part of a particular organization.

  mix projects:list -O 64

See code: src/commands/projects/list.ts

mix projects:rename

rename a project

  $ mix projects:rename

  -P, --project=project  (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -n, --name=name        (required) project name
  --json                 output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                 output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to rename a project.

  $ mix projects:rename -P 1922 -n ACME

See code: src/commands/projects/rename.ts

mix projects:replace

replace the content of a project

  $ mix projects:replace

  -P, --project=project    (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=confirm    skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  -f, --filepath=filepath  (required) input file path
  --json                   output raw data in JSON format
  --yaml                   output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to replace the project content with the .zip file provided.

  It is recommended to use the projects:export command to create a backup of
  the project before using the projects:replace command.

  Note that the grammar, transformation, and pronunciation files are restricted
  to users with the required permissions. Attempting to replace the content of
  a project that contains grammar, transformation, and pronunciation files
  without the permissions needed to provide all the expected files may result
  in an incomplete project.

  Replace the content of a project
  $ mix projects:replace -P 29050 -f myProject.zip

  Replace the content of a project using pre-confirmation
  $ mix projects:replace -P 29050 -f myProject.zip -c 29050

See code: src/commands/projects/replace.ts

mix samples:export

export sample sentences

  $ mix samples:export

  -I, --intent-name=intent-name  (required) intent name
  -L, --locale=locale            (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -P, --project=project          (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -f, --filepath=filepath        (required) output file path
  --overwrite                    overwrite output file if it exists

  Use this command to export samples for an intent in the project.

  $ mix samples:export -P 29050 -I ORDER_DRINK -L en-US -f samples.zip --overwrite

See code: src/commands/samples/export.ts

mix samples:import

import sample sentences, appending to existing samples by default

  $ mix samples:import

  -I, --intent-name=intent-name  (required) intent name
  -L, --locale=locale            (required) locale code; use format 'aa-AA' (defaults to MIX_LOCALE)
  -P, --project=project          (required) project ID (defaults to MIX_PROJECT)
  -c, --confirm=confirm          skip confirmation prompt by pre-supplying value
  -f, --filepath=filepath        (required) input file path
  --json                         output raw data in JSON format
  --replace                      replace, rather than append, existing samples
  --yaml                         output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command sample sentences into a project.  By default, the samples
  sentences are appended to the project in the specified locale. It is also
  possible to completely replace sample sentences for the specified locale
  by using the --replace flag.

  The import needs to be confirmed by re-typing the intent name when prompted.
  It can also be pre-confirmed by using the --confirm flag. Consider making
  a project backup before using this command.

  Import samples by appending
  $ mix samples:import -P 29050 -I ORDER_DRINK -L en-US -f samples.trsx

  Import samples by appending using pre-confirmation
  $ mix samples:import -P 29050 -I ORDER_DRINK -L en-US -f samples.trsx -c ORDER_DRINK

  Import samples by replacing
  $ mix samples:import -P 29050 -I ORDER_DRINK -L en-US -f samples.trsx --replace

  Import samples by replacing using pre-confirmation
  $mix samples:import -P 29050 -I ORDER_DRINK -L en-US -f samples.trsx --replace -c ORDER_DRINK

See code: src/commands/samples/import.ts

mix system:version

list Mix API version and environment

  $ mix system:version

  --columns=columns  only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              output to csv format
  --json             output raw data in JSON format
  --no-header        hide table header from output
  --no-truncate      do not truncate output to fit screen
  --yaml             output raw data in YAML format

  Use this command to list Mix APi version and environment information.

  mix system:version

See code: src/commands/system/version.ts
