A high-level abstraction layer for Deno KV with zero third-party dependencies by default 🦕🗝️
- adamlacombe@edgeworkscreative @InteractiveTraining
- AlrefaiSaudi Arabia, Jeddah
- ChristopheCorbalanStoryblok
- cirolosapio@crewbe
- cowboyd@thefrontside
- drawveloper@deco-cx
- eibensAustria
- ericleryPresidium, CITADEL
- esafev@readymag
- feconyEarth
- flamrdevsIndonesia
- gabeidx@futiba
- grantozIndependent
- h595464
- hironichu[REDACTED]
- hugojosefsonDevoteam Creative Tech (ex-jayway)
- jmordicaVOXO
- kevingorskiKG Software LLC
- laionazeredoEdsoma
- marcusfelixHamburg, Germany
- marwanhilmi@runreal
- mmyojiHokkaido, Japan
- muhammad-FSD
- nberletteLas Vegas
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- PeronGHUniversity of Liverpool
- pillowsoftPillowSoft LLC
- rojvv
- SandalotsVolcanak
- sant123Gorilla Logic
- shahNetspective Communications LLC
- tchief
- willpuckettSan Francisco
- xeusteerapatKrungthai-AXA PCL
- ysm-dev👀
- zhondoriMohirdev