
Sketch challenge

Primary LanguagePython

Sketch Challenge

This solution was created using the tools below:

  • Python3
  • Python3 Libraries
  • Docker
  • Docker image for postgre
  • AWS s3 bucket

Installing dependencies

In order to execute the solution, you'll need to set the environment as follow:

NOTE: This was all set in a Linux Ubuntu Based distro

Install the following packages:

  • postgresql-client-12
  • python3
  • python3-pandas
  • python3-psycopg2
  • docker
  • aws-cli

Make sure your aws credentials are already created and set for your local user. Assuming that you have python, docker and aws-cli already installed, run the command below for the other dependencies:

sudo apt install postgresql-client-12 python3-pandas python3-psycopg2

Setting the environment

NOTE: This environment was already set so the local user would be able to execute any docker command, if this is not your case, make sure to add sudo before any docker command from here on.

Download the docker image for postgresql with the command below:

docker pull postgres

Start the docker container with the commands below:

docker run -d --name sketch -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword postgres
docker start sketch

Set environment variables

I find it easier when dealing with local labs to use environment variables to help you set it up. Export the variables below to help you set up the environment:

export POSTGRES_USER=postgres
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
export POSTGRES_HOST=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' sketch)

NOTE: I am using the default user postgres but any user with the proper read and write access to the DB should work fine.

Create the S3 Buckets

python3 create_buckets.py

NOTE: I am creating the s3 buckets with the default parameters here but I assume since we are using an API key, it will work as long as the API key used have the proper rights to do that (In this case, admin access).

Upload sample images to the S3 bucket

python3 upload_files.py

Create and Populate the postgresql database

psql -h ${POSTGRES_HOST} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -c 'create database proddatabase'       
psql -h ${POSTGRES_HOST} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d proddatabase < proddatabase.txt

Upload the sample images to prod-s3 bucket and update the DB

python3 s3_copy.py

The script should show you the list of files copied to the S3, the old and new DataBase entries as well.

Deleting S3 Buckets

Once you done, don't forget to delete the resources to avoid unwanted billing

aws s3 rb s3://vini-sketch-legacy-s3 --force
aws s3 rb s3://vini-sketch-prod-s3 --force

Removing Docker Image and Container

docker stop sketch
docker rmi -f postgres