Prometheus Exporter for ValKey & Redis Metrics. Supports ValKey and Redis 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x
- 19
No metric on command execution time on redis7
#798 opened by PiQx - 4
Automatic CI workflows for release
#793 opened by arthurzam - 4
Support for entries-read and lag properties of XINFO GROUPS result in Redis 7
#799 opened by VladimirKhil - 6
Support usernames in password file
#820 opened by pznamensky - 11
New Histogram Collection Creates Errors on Each Scrape With Older Redis Versions
#784 opened by Calebjh - 5
Ingesting keys with slashes into prometheus
#850 opened by WimDeMeester - 5
with redis auth and --is-cluster "NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the 'cluster' command or its subcommand"
#785 opened by gzivdo - 3
- 0
Connection Reset by Peer upon a "Cluster Refresh"
#790 opened by DGRFL - 0
- 2
- 3
- 1
Sample config for Redis cluster?
#811 opened by piavgh - 1
- 1
- 2
ERR Error in ACL SETUSER modifier
#851 opened by BurningDog - 0
To connect to Redis with a password containing special characters such as '@&$'
#846 opened by DongEHome - 1
[Feature Request] Changelog
#844 opened by GeiserX - 0
- 1
REDIS_ADDR Multiple connection string
#830 opened by sksaranraj - 4
Redis exporter issue 1.54
#834 opened by jit22jan - 1
- 1
- 1
Using password file with isCluster enabled trigger: ERRO[10984] Cluster refresh failed: redisc: all nodes failed
#835 opened by chetratep - 1
Config metrics for Sentinel instances
#841 opened by zygisa - 2
I want to Add Basic authentication for accessing Exporter, Do you need this enhanced code?
#833 opened by AirTrioa - 2
Does it work with memoryDB ?
#831 opened by madhur - 3
- 1
No binaries for v1.53.0
#825 opened by 0e39bf7b - 9
Stream entryid null will cause error
#823 opened by wmlamaa - 2
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Does Redis Exporter really need allkeys permission?
#821 opened by kas-kad - 4
Wrong hit/miss value on Elasticache 7.0.7
#816 opened by gillg - 3
Error: Couldn't connect to redis instance (<redacted>)
#815 opened by duj4 - 1
- 2
Adapting the exporter to collect certain metrics only on replicas and not in master
#801 opened by dinesh-murugiah - 1
Address vulnerabilities in the latest image
#808 opened by pmmenzel - 3
- 0
ERR unknown command
#794 opened by zhangqingwen - 1
- 3
Redis Exporter causing CPU spikes
#802 opened by NirmalP29 - 1
Scrape multiple redis same host
#792 opened by bmgante - 3
Clustered Redis Slots Refresh Ignores TLS Usage
#780 opened by aballman - 6
Couldn't connect to redis instance
#772 opened by KYV365 - 3
Keep connection to redis alive
#773 opened by gupta-mukul - 6
- 1
Start / stop script?
#777 opened by McGuywer - 2
Docker Free Team subscription sunset
#779 opened by mouchar - 4
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Docker push action
#771 opened by trejjam