Prometheus Exporter for ValKey & Redis Metrics. Supports ValKey and Redis 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x
- 0
REDIS_EXPORTER_CHECK_KEYS is not honored it seems; or documentation lacks details to verify
#964 opened by notjames - 1
how to scrape sentinel metrics
#963 opened by smarakdas314 - 4
Support for valkeys://localhost:6379
#952 opened by FalkW - 2
RediSearch module metrics collection
#942 opened by nantiferov - 4
Add option to only run check and counts on replicas
#931 opened by jdheyburn - 2
Adding Redis INFO Metrics
#943 opened by fluetm - 1
adding custom labels to metrics
#941 opened by ogolan-ig - 5
Redis exporter not able to scrape metrics from AWS managed Elasticache (redis) cluster
#936 opened by ashishthakur55525 - 4
how to read redis_cpu_*_seconds_total ?
#939 opened by MosesMooreGameloft - 1
- 3
- 1
Add master_replid
#919 opened by khasanovbi - 0
Monitoring multiple instances with errors
#927 opened by Cairry - 1
- 2
Export `client-output-buffer-limits` as a metric
#932 opened by jdheyburn - 1
- 3
lua script metric support custom attribute
#922 opened by kunlun122 - 4
redis_exporter Support basic_auth?
#862 opened by 1310208262 - 1
Missing binary assets for 1.62.0
#923 opened by dani - 3
sentinel_master_ok_sentinels and sentinel_master_ok_slaves not available
#918 opened by joostdebruijn - 3
Return String value of custom lua script
#920 opened by adibaulia - 2
Skip default value for check-single-keys
#891 opened by d0mitoridesu - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 5
- 1
Grafana dashboards compitable with the redis exporter
#907 opened by idan3 - 1
exporter resource consumption
#908 opened by idan3 - 2
RedisTooManyMasters with multiple Redis clusters
#904 opened by exolab - 2
Remember previously seen list keys by pattern
#878 opened by roobre - 3
- 1
Docker image missing for v1.59.0
#901 opened by gmta - 2
- 1
Issues with running custom LUA scripts
#893 opened by pszemazzz - 1
- 2
- 0
When the password contains special symbols, Redis cannot be connected correctly
#875 opened by ShuLian1984 - 3
go 1.20.x no longer supported?
#888 opened by josh-m-sharpe - 2
Missing metric from exporter: connected_clients
#886 opened by macetw - 3
Grafana Dashboard Warnings
#881 opened by Pokom - 1
[HELM] redisAddress should not be used when using serviceMonitor.multipleTarget ?
#879 opened by nmamn - 1
- 1
cpu used too high
#874 opened by chaoxiaodi - 1
check-key-groups / MEMORY USAGE / Redis version < 4
#859 opened by jcaspes - 1
Exit Code: 2, Exit Message: "Docker container exited with non-zero exit code: 2"
#868 opened by wanghaowei0107 - 0
Monitor Redis and up to check for interruptions in every period of personal leave(Monitor Redis and up to check for interruptions in every period of personal leave)
#869 opened by app100000 - 1
--export-client-list option doesn't work when IPv6 addresses are returned
#863 opened by edward-milkey - 4
How do I monitor a stream?
#853 opened by BurningDog - 0