

Primary LanguageScala

clickhouse-jdbc-test in spark



You must re-assembly the jar after modifying any source code.

In other words, repeat the steps 5, 6, 7.

How to run

  1. Install spark 2.4.5 locally and set $SPARK_HOME

  2. Install JDK8, scala 2.11 and sbt

  3. Start clickhouse, zookeeper and kafka: docker compose up -d

  4. Initialize clickhouse database and table in clickhouse pod

    create database if not exists test;
    drop table if exists test.test;
    create table if not exists test.test (
    topic String,
    offset Int64,
    value String
    ) Engine = MergeTree()
    ORDER BY (topic, offset);
  5. Build assembly jar: sbt assembly

  6. Start spark app

    $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --master local \
    --deploy-mode client \
    --class com.github.oliverdding.spark.test.jobs.OfficialClickHouseJdbcLocal \
    --name run \
  7. Generate message in kafka pod

    kafka-topics --create --topic test --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
    kafka-console-producer --topic test --bootstrap-server localhost:9092