
An example application for deploying an ECS cluster via CDK v2.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bookshelf Demo on ECS with AWS CDK v2

A simple microservices application that consists of a frontend and a backend. The frontend has a single endpoint / that prints statistics about the hostname and date/time. If you add ?services=backend at the end, the frontend sends a HTTP request to the backend service, asking for statistics as well. It will print additional information about the outcome of the HTTP response.


In a nutshell:

  1. make build to build. You need Go 1.18+.
  2. make up to run on Docker.
  3. make down to stop on Docker.
  4. make build down up or make build restart for a typical dev cycle.

To push the images into ECR repositories (after configuring your AWS account), run make push in the directory of each service.

Deployment on AWS

First, configure your environment by doing:

  1. Install direnv from here
  2. cp .envrc.template .envrc
  3. Edit the .envrc file to your environment
  4. Run direnv allow to set the environment variables every time your enter the directory
  5. Double check with env | sort that the environments are actually set

Now, Backend and frontend services can be deployed to an AWS ECS cluster with the code in the deploy folder. It utilizes AWS CDK v2 to do so. You can do:

  1. cd deploy
  2. npm install
  3. make bootstrap to bootstrap the CDK. This is only required once per AWS account and region.
  4. make build to synthesize the AWS resources into a CloudFormation template
  5. make deploy to deploy the CloudFormation template to your AWS account
  6. ...
  7. make destroy to remove the resources from your AWS account


Copyright (c) 2022 Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.