Pinned issues
Question: Will this package support OpenSearch or Elasticsearch or both?
#1481 opened by dylannz-sailthru
- 0
trailing slash to be accepted.
#1688 opened by madeinindiadot - 0
- 0
search without retry when es return io.EOF
#1684 opened by nilaonai - 0
EasyJson compatibility issue
#1683 opened by shivamnutanix - 0
cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type int
#1682 opened by sunthree74 - 0
Issue with Elasticsearch Alias Removal and Addition
#1681 opened by younuscodes - 0
the return value of add document
#1680 opened by Jerry-qmf - 0
How to search data with a 'knn query'?
#1679 opened by gengdeyin - 2
Support for Version=0 in bulk_delete_request.go
#1669 opened by garrison-stauffer - 0
The context field in the structure SearchSuggestionOption(in search.go) should change to be highlight
#1677 opened by luxiao9999 - 3
Does olivere support "REST API compatibility"
#1652 opened by jshenpdp - 0
Can't use REST compatibility headers
#1676 opened by carlware - 0
elastic: Error 400 (Bad Request): only write ops with an op_type of create are allowed in data streams [type=illegal_argument_exception]
#1673 opened by xyydcoo - 0
elastic v6 not work correctly with http proxy
#1672 opened by ermazi - 1
- 0
Append support max_concurrent_shard_requests in msearch
#1667 opened by Rosomaha - 0
Unresolved reference 'Aggregation, Size, TrackTotalHits, Pretty, Sort, and Do'
#1665 opened by orhan-cmd - 0
()elastic.Each Swallowed the error
#1664 opened by huangshang0919 - 1
how to get root cause with 400 error
#1662 opened by govida - 0
The es daterange query data has no expected effect
#1660 opened by ntboot - 1
Generating nested histogram query
#1659 opened by sans-clue - 1
I want to get the result body. Is there any way?
#1658 opened by zs459774023 - 1
Bulk index failures
#1657 opened by amirEBD - 1
Load balance between multiple master nodes
#1656 opened by amirEBD - 1
- 0
Size does not match with len(searchResult.Hits.Hits)
#1654 opened by trannhutle - 0
Completely disabling backoff
#1651 opened by itiulkanov - 2
BulkProcessor ADD send on closed channel
#1650 opened by cheaster062211 - 1
What is a correct update endpoint for communication between elastic.v7 client and Elasticsearch 6.x server?
#1649 opened by jshenpdp - 0
`Client::PerformRequest` dumps response before checking for `MaxResponseSize`
#1647 opened by hazimavdal - 0
After provide time format I get; (elastic: Error 400 (Bad Request): all shards failed [type=search_phase_execution_exception] ) error
#1646 opened by orhan-cmd - 0
How to add a tokenizer uax_url_email ?
#1645 opened by tracyloisel-buyco - 1
v7 can't support elasticsearch v6?
#1644 opened by Chu-J - 0
- 2
SetTraceLog comes out mistaken code in v5 version
#1642 opened by askme-gpt - 1
- 1
API search call returns 400 when aggregation is added: all shards failed [type=search_phase_execution_exception]
#1640 opened by jshenpdp - 0
Records correlation in the after method
#1637 opened by itiulkanov - 4
- 1
- 8
how to express `GET alias_xxx/_alias?filter_path=index_name.aliases.alias_xxx`
#1632 opened by RaphaelL2e - 3
Ability to slice without scrolling
#1633 opened by Rmaan - 3
- 3
Does this repository has a search after example?
#1630 opened by wathenjiang - 3
have problem to use elastic package
#1628 opened by khalil-farashiani - 1
fatal error: concurrent map read and map write
#1629 opened by ppg-coder - 0
- 3
elastic.v7 NewBucketSelectorAggregation function have a bug,can not execute correct
#1624 opened by henrY2Young - 0
- 0
Term query returns 0 hits in Elasticsearch 7.x
#1622 opened by sujayramesh