
PubSub example code with Go and various providers.

Primary LanguageGo

PubSub Examples

This repositories illustrates a few things about PubSub systems, how they work, how they differ, and how to implement them in Go.


Although also mentioned in the README files of the subfolders, you should probably just start open at least 4 console windows and set these environment variables for the rest of the examples.

These make Google PubSub emulator work locally.

$ export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8086
$ export PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID=demo

This one is for NATS Streaming Server.

$ export NATS_SERVER_URL=localhost:4222

Also, make sure you have a recent version of Docker and Docker Compose installed. We start the infrastructure through Docker Compose, so you don't have to install anything besides Go on your machine.

What is a PubSub system?

A PubSub system is a messaging system that has, as its name implies, two components: Publisher of messages and subscriber to messages. In contrast to synchronous communication, the publisher doesn't have to wait for a message to be received, as well as the receiver doesn't have to be online to retrieve messages sent earlier. As such, a PubSub system acts like a buffer for asynchronous messaging.

Although there are various types of PubSub systems (Google PubSub, Kafka, RabbitMQ, NATS Streaming Server to name just a few), they slightly differ in how they work internally—and in terminology. So it is hard to find a good abstraction for them, although libraries like gocloud.dev/pubsub try to do just that. The gocloud.dev/pubsub is especially interesting as it allows implementers to switch between different PubSub systems simply by using a different URL. That is very welcome as you can e.g. use NATS in development and Google PubSub in production, or a memory-based mock PubSub system while testing.

What all PubSub systems I've seen have in common is a way to publish messages via a topic (although the naming can be different). That topic is simply a name like importer, and a publisher send messages to that topic by some client. The messages are received by the PubSub system and typically persisted on the disk (some have in-memory storage as well). On the consumer side, subscribers receive messages by creating a subscription on that topic, which is also simply a name. Now that's where most of the abstractions start to fail.

Notice that some companies use PubSub systems like a storage solution. E.g. the New York Times uses Kafka for their publishing pipeline. They use Kafka as an append-only log where messages are never deleted. You can iterate over the messages just like you can read through the rows of a SQL database.

The most enlightening read about PubSub systems (or better: logs) is probably "What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction" by Jay Krebs from 2013, in which he lays out the fundamentals of Kafka: https://engineering.linkedin.com/distributed-systems/log-what-every-software-engineer-should-know-about-real-time-datas-unifying Highly recommended.

Differences in PubSub systems

Some PubSub systems create topics on the fly, some systems require the caller to create the topic before sending (or trying to receive) the first message.

On the subscriber side, some systems use a pull model (the consumer asks the PubSub system) or a push model (the PubSub system forwards new messages), and some offer both. On top of that, both models often have a synchronous or an asynchronous implementation. Google PubSub, for example, has all of this: Push, pull, sync/async.

What's also interesting is the guarantees that PubSub systems give you in terms of ordering, delivery, and duplicates. In general, it is very hard to get "exactly-once" delivery, and I think only Kafka can give this guarantee at the time of writing this. So your code must be prepared for the case that you get a message twice, or a message delivered later to come first to a subscriber.

Notice that some PubSub systems remove messages when they are consumed. Kafka, on the other hand, doesn't do that. Instead, Kafka has a TTL for each message and will remove them later. So setting the TTL to "never" will basically store all messages forever, allowing you to iterate over historic messages years later.

Publisher side

Why is PubSub used instead of synchronous messaging in e.g. a request/response style?

First of all PubSub is asynchronous by default. Suppose you want to track who is visiting your web site on a per-page basis. Then, in your HTTP handler, you simply gather the visitor details and send it to the PubSub system, in a kind of fire-and-forget manner. You don't care if an event is lost, and you want your HTTP handler to finish as quickly as possible. With request/response style, you had to wait until the event system acknowledged your message.

Also, PubSub systems can send to more than one receiver with a single message. We'll see later in "Subscriptions" how this can be used for different architectural designs on the consumer side.

Subscriber side

In PubSub systems, the publisher is more often the easier part of the equation. What about the subscriber side?

When talking about PubSub systems with people new to the technology, there is a hidden assumption that there is a 1:1 relationship between publisher and subscriber. But that's not the case.

Let's get back to that example with the events sent by out HTTP handler. Suppose it sends details about the endpoint, the visitor, and the time it took to process the request. Wouldn't it be nice to have a loosely-coupled system where one component tracks latency and throughput while a completely different component tracks the pages that visitors are mostly interested in? With PubSub, you can do that rather simply. E.g. with Google PubSub, if you subscribe with to a topic with a random subscription name, you will get a copy of each and every message sent to that topic. Repeat that: Every subscriber will get a copy. This is called fan-out.

While the above is helpful for some work patterns, sometimes you don't want every subscriber to get a copy of each message. Instead, you want to load-balance the messages over a set of workers. Suppose you want to import products into a data store, and want to be able to scale with the number of products being imported concurrently. What you do with Google PubSub, for example, is to write a publisher to sends products into an importer topic. On the listening side, you create a set of subscribers that all have the same name, e.g. importer_workers. What Google PubSub does when pushing/pulling a message to/from a subscriber, it will only send one copy of the product to any of those importer_workers. So if you want to scale with the load of products being imported, you simply start more workers (a.k.a. subscribers). That is very easy to achieve, even automatically, with e.g. a Kubernetes cluster.

Notice that most PubSub systems need the subscriber to acknowledge a message that it successfully processed. If they forget to acknowledge, the message is typically re-sent several times before giving up. Giving up, for e.g. RabbitMQ, means to send those messages into a so-called dead letter queue.


Now, this repository comes with 3 examples, each on in a subdirectory.

The gcp and nats subdirectories illustrate how to implement a rather simply publisher and subscriber for Google PubSub (via the Emulator) and NATS Streaming Server.

In gocloud you can see a single implementation that uses the wonderful gocloud.dev library by Google to do PubSub with a single implementation. You can use the code with any of the supported PubSub systems: AWS SNS/SQS, Azure SB, Google PubSub, Kafka, RabbitMQ, NATS Streaming Server, and an in-memory implementation which is perfect for testing. You control the system to use by passing a URL.

Now, open 4 terminals and start the infrastructure in the 1st one:

$ docker-compose up

Head to the 2nd terminal and run:

$ cd gcp
$ make
$ ./pub -h
Usage of ./pub:
  -p string
    	Project ID
  -t string
    	Topic name
$ ./pub -t messages
2019/07/29 17:51:12 pub.go:66: Send: 00000001 2019-07-29T17:51:12+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:12 pub.go:66: Send: 00000002 2019-07-29T17:51:12+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:13 pub.go:66: Send: 00000003 2019-07-29T17:51:13+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:14 pub.go:66: Send: 00000004 2019-07-29T17:51:14+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:15 pub.go:66: Send: 00000005 2019-07-29T17:51:15+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:15 pub.go:66: Send: 00000006 2019-07-29T17:51:15+02:00

Go to the 3rd terminal and run:

$ cd gcp
$ ./sub -h
Usage of ./sub:
  -p string
    	Project ID
  -s string
    	Subscription name
  -t string
    	Topic name
$ ./sub -t messages -s subscriber-1
2019/07/29 17:51:12 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000001 2019-07-29T17:51:12+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:12 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000002 2019-07-29T17:51:12+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:13 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000003 2019-07-29T17:51:13+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:14 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000004 2019-07-29T17:51:14+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:15 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000005 2019-07-29T17:51:15+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:16 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000006 2019-07-29T17:51:15+02:00

Up to the 4th terminal and run:

$ cd gcp
$ ./sub -t messages -s subscriber-2
2019/07/29 17:51:12 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000001 2019-07-29T17:51:12+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:12 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000002 2019-07-29T17:51:12+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:13 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000003 2019-07-29T17:51:13+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:14 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000004 2019-07-29T17:51:14+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:15 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000005 2019-07-29T17:51:15+02:00
2019/07/29 17:51:16 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000006 2019-07-29T17:51:15+02:00

Notice how both subscriber-1 and subscriber-2 get a copy of each message being sent by the publisher on topic messages.

Now, stop the subscriber-2 in terminal 4, and run it under the same name as subscriber-1 instead:

$ ./sub -t messages -s subscriber-1
2019/07/29 17:52:05 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000007 2019-07-29T17:52:05+02:00
2019/07/29 17:52:07 sub.go:87: Recv: 00000010 2019-07-29T17:52:07+02:00

Notice how messages will be split between terminal 3 and 4, load-balanced if you will.
