
This is a demo of wasmer-php, wasmer-python and wasm-bindgen. We also demonstrate how a wasm module may be loaded by javascript. The purpose of this repository is only to demonstrate webassembly (interacting wiht php, python and js).


docker-compose build

This builds the Rust, Python and PHP containers.



docker-compose up

and wait for the Rust container to finish its work and exit. Once this is done the wasm binaries will be available in the wasm_binaries directory.

The php container contains a few examples: To run them first get a shell by running

docker-compose exec php bash

then one may for instance try the script calling the compiled recursive fibonacci function by running

php -f fib_recursive_wasm.php

The python container contains a script where we send a greetings between the host (python) and the guest (rust). To run this first get a shell to the container:

docker-compose exec python bash
python3 greet.py

The javascript examples may be viewed in the browser by clicking on the link displayed in the terminal after running docker-compose up: image