A micro dependency injection framework. This is heavily based on the packacke Injected from Grigory Avdyushin. It's the simplest yet elegant solution I found for dependency injection in swift. It suits my needs :-D
You can create and use a dependency container like this:
let myContainer = Injection()
myContainer.register {
Dependency { AService() }
Dependency { BService() }
let service: AService = Injection.resolve()
Where it get's even cooler is when you use the @Injected
property wrapper. For this to work your dependency must be registered with the shared container Injection.shared
Injection.shared.register {
Dependency { AService }
struct MyApp {
@Injected var service: AService
func main() {
You can even have a little fun with it:
Injection.shared.register {
Dependency { "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything." }
Dependency { 42 }
@Injected var question: String
@Injected var answer: Int
You can only have one dependency per type, though. It's 54 lines of code – what do you expect ;) Swift rocks!