
unoffical and work in progress PyTorch implementation of CutPaste

Primary LanguagePython

Implementation of CutPaste

This is an unofficial work in progress PyTorch reimplementation of CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization and in no way affiliated with the original authors. Use at own risk. Pull requests and feedback is appreciated.


Download the MVTec Anomaly detection Dataset from here and extract it into a new folder named Data.

Install the following requirements:

  1. Pytorch and torchvision
  2. sklearn
  3. pandas
  4. seaborn
  5. tqdm
  6. tensorboard

For example with Anaconda:

conda create -n cutpaste pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 seaborn pandas tqdm tensorboard scikit-learn -c pytorch
conda activate cutpaste

Run Training

python run_training.py --model_dir models --head_layer 2

The Script will train a model for each defect type and save it in the model_dir Folder.

One can track the training progress of the models with tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir logdirs

Run Evaluation

python eval.py --model_dir models --head_layer 2

This will create a new directory Eval with plots for each defect type/model.

Implementation details

CutPaste Location

The pasted image patch always origins from the same image it is pasted to. I'm not sure if this is a Problem and if this is also the case in the original paper/code.


Li et al. define "256 parameter update steps" as one epoch. The --epoch parameter takes the number of update steps and not their definition of epochs.

Batch Size

Li et al. use a "batch size of 64 (or 96 for 3-way)". Because the number of images feed into the model changes from the normal to the 3-way variant I suspect that they always start with 32 images that get augmented. The --batch_size parameter specifies the number of images read from disk. So for the all variants --batch_size=32 should correspond with the batch size used by Li et al.

Projection head

I did not find a model description of the projection head Li et al. use. The --head_layer parameter is used to vary the number of layers used in this implementation. Actually head_layer + 2 fully connected layers are used. Starting with head_layer layers with 512 neurons, followed by a layer with 128 neurons and the output layer with 2 or 3 neurons. The number of neurons depends on the variant. 2 for normal and scar and 3 for 3way.

Augmentations used before CutPaste

Li et al. "apply random translation and color jitters for data augmentation". This implementation only applies color jitter before the CutPaste augmentation. I tried to use torchvision.transforms.RandomResizedCrop as translation, but in a brief test I did not find that it improves performance.

Tensorflow vs PyTorch

Li et al. use tensorflow for their implementation. This implementation is using PyTorch.


This implementation only tries to recreate the main results from section 4.1 and shown in table 1.


python run_training.py --epochs 10000 --test_epochs 32 --no-pretrained --cuda 1 --head_layer 1 --batch_size 32 --variant normal

training loss The blue line is the real value and the orange line is an average over 100 epochs. training accuracy validation accuracy We only run the ROC AUC every 32nd update step, here the orange line is an average over 320 update steps (10 ROC AUC values). Note: The validation accuracy (named test set ROC AUC) is using the Mahalanobis distance as anomaly score. It can not be directly compared with the accuracy during training.

comparison with Li et al.

Note that for readability, the y-axis starts at 40% AUC ROC.

CutPaste (scar)

python run_training.py --epochs 10000 --test_epochs 32 --no-pretrained --cuda 1 --head_layer 1 --batch_size 32 --variant scar

training loss training accuracy validation accuracy

comparision with Li et al.

CutPaste (3-way)

Due to limited computing resources, the evaluation during training is disabled.

python run_training.py --epochs 10000 --test_epochs -1 --no-pretrained --cuda 1 --head_layer 1 --batch_size 32 --variant 3way

training loss training accuracy comparison with Li et al.

Comparison to Li et al.

defect_type CutPaste Li et al. CutPaste CutPaste (scar) Li et al. CutPaste (scar) CutPaste (3-way) Li et al. CutPaste (3-way)
bottle 99.7 99.2 97.9 98.0 99.6 98.3
cable 92.3 87.1 75.0 78.8 77.2 80.6
capsule 86.2 87.9 84.5 95.3 92.4 96.2
carpet 59.8 67.9 88.6 94.6 60.1 93.1
grid 100.0 99.9 99.9 95.5 100.0 99.9
hazelnut 83.7 91.3 87.5 96.7 86.8 97.3
leather 99.5 99.7 99.5 100.0 100.0 100.0
metal_nut 91.5 96.8 80.6 97.9 87.8 99.3
pill 89.4 93.4 78.4 85.8 91.7 92.4
screw 44.1 54.4 80.7 83.7 86.8 86.3
tile 88.7 95.9 95.3 89.4 97.2 93.4
toothbrush 96.7 99.2 88.3 96.7 94.7 98.3
transistor 95.1 96.4 86.8 91.1 93.0 95.5
wood 98.6 94.9 98.0 98.7 99.4 98.6
zipper 99.6 99.4 95.9 99.5 98.8 99.4
average 88.3 90.9 89.1 93.4 91.0 95.2

comparison with Li et al.


  • implement Cut-Paste Scar
  • implement gradCam
  • implement localization variant
  • add option to finetune on EfficientNet(B4)
  • clean up parameters and move them into the arguments of the scripts
  • compare results of this reimplementation with the results of the paper