A NPAPI-Plugin implementation of BroadMask: Privacy-Preserving communication in Online Social Networks using Broadcast Encryption and Symmetric Cryptography
In order to build this plugin, you first need to build or install the following libraries (Our CMake scripts search for these libraries under /usr/local/):
- GNU Multiprecision Library (GMPlib, http://gmplib.org)
- Pairing-Based Cryptography Library (LibPBC, http://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc)
- Crypto++ Library (http://www.cryptopp.com/)
- GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME, http://gnupg.org)
- CMake for FireBreath building process
On Mac OS X, you can use the homebrew package manager. The following command installs all required libraries:
brew install gmp pbc cryptopp gpgme
On Ubuntu, this installs all libraries except libpbc (for which no package is currently available, build it according to http://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/manual/ch01s01.html)
apt-get install libgmp-dev libpbc-dev
Compiling a FireBreath plugin on windows requires Visual Studio {2008, 2009, 2010}. Use the following command to configure the CMake build:
firebreath\prep2010.cmd src build
(replace 2010 with your version of Visual Studio)
Then cd
into the build directory and execute cmake --build . --config MinSizeRel --target Broadmask
After successful build the plugin can be found at `build\bin\projects\BroadMask\MinSizeRel\Broadmask.dll
On Mac OS X, execute the following script to configure the CMake build:
firebreath/prepmac.sh src build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel
(Use -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 to build for 32-bit architecture)
Then cd
into the build directory and execute xcodebuild -target Broadmask
After successful build, the plugin can be found at build/bin/projects/Broadmask/MinSizeRel/Broadmask.so
On Mac OS X, execute the following script to configure the CMake build:
firebreath/prepmake.sh src build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel
Then cd
into the build directory and execute make Broadmask
to build the plugin
After successful build, the plugin can be found at build/bin/projects/Broadmask/MinSizeRel/Broadmask.so