Personal Portfolio Site Creation

The Task

To create a website as a personal portfolio, allowing me to show off my projects and skills as I progress as a web developer. This site is able to be built upon and iterated as I learn more and more, and eventually be passed out to potential employers as a pseudo resume.

This project allowed me to learn more about the following;

  • Website design and implimentation
  • Interations of elements in HTML and CSS
  • The ability to take a set of criteria and create a website that follows those criteria
  • A deeper understanding of CSS and it things you can do with it
  • I was able to use display grid and learn a lot about the properties and how to use it
  • I was able to play with opacity and blurs on elements to create fun effects on the page


This project is a webpage, and is deployed on github pages through the following link:

The site can also be deployed locally by pulling the file structure to your local machine and opening the index.html file in your browser of preference.


This project can be used as a website. There are other components of the site that can be used for reference, such as navigation tabs that take you to different parts of the page when clicked, grid structures and responsive design.

At smaller sizes, the navigation menu is removed from the top and replaced with a menu icon that can bring it on screen for use. The site also changes again at smaller still sizes to remove the heading and only leave my profile image remaining.

Alt text


Admittedly, this site has its issues, after much troubleshooting I was unable to solve many issues arising from my Grid compnents overflowing the rest of the site. As I believe this will take too long to troubleshoot it may be pertinent to restart the site with a similar design and rebuild it piece by piece.


This project was done in conjunction with the University of Sydney and Trilogy Education through their collaborated full stack bootcamp program. All assets used in this project were developed by myself with research done online, or found from online resources.