This is the Alpha build for the 2 player pong EEG software suite being built by IEEE Chico State EECE students. Contact: If you wish to contact us regarding the project please feel free to reach out to us. Email: Website: Facebook: Slack*: *To join the Slack you must have a email account. In the event that you are not a chico student/faculty we recommend contacting us via email (preferred). =========================================================================================================== Abstract: The goal of this project is to have two users with openBCI headsets transmitting wireless biopotential data via bluetooth to a network streaming layer. The networking streaming layer then takes that data into BCIlab where it is then processed in EEGlab with plugins to identify eye movements. Once the data is procesed it will be used to control an individual pong paddle for each player in real time within a modified MATLAB pong game. =========================================================================================================== Contents: Inside the project are various folders containing different software. Mark IV EEG Headset STL Files is the folder containing all the CAD files for 3D printing. OpenBCI Cyton Firmware folder contains the raw firmware data needed to be flashed to the openBCI Cyton board. The Python Project Folder contains all the files needed to run the game in the PyCharm IDE. =========================================================================================================== Downloads: It is recommended that you download the OpenBCI GUI from their website using the following Link: Please download the PyCharm Community Edition IDE for your system as well. Link: =========================================================================================================== NOTICE: This project will be continously udpated and will have two different versions. One version will be a stable release and the other will be a developer version. ===========================================================================================================