
Personal *nix configuration files

Primary LanguageVim script


git clone git@github.com:noahfrederick/dots.git ~/.dots

I symlink the various files via Puppet, but you could just as well do it manually:

ln -s ~/.dots/bashrc ~/.bashrc
# etc.



Vim is a free, cross-platform text editor based on vi. It has been around since the early ’90s and is arguably the best editor currently in existence. Although Vim is admittedly better suited for writing code than prose (largely because of its poor handling of soft-wrapped lines), I use it for pretty much everything.


Emacs is a free, cross-platform text editor, mail client, news reader, organizer, and more. It is the second-best text editor currently in existence. It does not take the streamlined, minimalistic approach that Vim does, but it can be made to emulate Vim. I use Emacs for the excellent Org mode. See my emacs.org file for more.


My shell of choice is the fish shell. More software ought to be developed with fish’s design guidelines in mind.


Tmux is a popular terminal multiplexer.