Goal: asynchronously fetch and render 4 separate lists of things to the same index.html file. Start with the alchemy web template (Links to an external site.). Don't forget to add the supabase CDN to index.html and make a fetch-utils.js with some good copy paste work to set up the supabase client with the KEY and URL. Repeat the following process 4 times, with 4 different domains, all in the same template: Come up with a domain for this data (like 'dogs' or 'candies'). Let's assume you picked 'candies'. In the supabase.io app, create a 'candies' table, Your table should have at least 4 columns. In the supabase.io app, create at least three rows in your table. In your app, in a separate file, write a render function for your domain. Your function should accept one object and returns a DOM element. This function should return at minimum a div with two p tags. The outer div should have a css class of 'candy-item'. Add a fetch function called getCandies() to your fetch-utils.js file to fetch all candies asynchronously. Then, in app.js use window.addEvenListener('load', () => {}) to fetch and display your data from supabase. In your load event listener, first fetch the data. Then, loop through the fetched array array, and for each object, render and appends a styled candy element to the container element you grabbed from the DOM. Note: do this process one domain table at a time. Do not write 4 domain tables, then 4 render functions, etc. Please work through the first domain table, then the first render function, then the first display function.