
A Makers Academy set group challenge

Primary LanguageRuby


A makers academy group project to create a restaurant review site learning to use ruby on rails.

The Group:


As a Yowl user
So that other users can view the details of my restaurant
I can add a restaurant with name and description to the site
As a Yowl user
So that other users see latest restaurant information
I can edit the details of a restaurant and delete a restaurant
As a Yowl user
So that I can choose a restaurant
I can view a list of the restaurants which shows their names and description
As a Yowl user
So that I can assess the quality of a restaurant
I can view all the comments and an average rating for a restaurant
As a Yowl user
So that I can rate restaurants out of five and leave a comment
I can add a review to a restaurant
As a Yowl user
So that I can change my mind
I can add edit or delete a review


  • Visitors can create new restaurants using a form, specifying a name and description
  • Restaurants can be edited and deleted
  • Visitors can leave reviews for restaurants, providing a numerical score (1-5) and a comment about their experience
  • The restaurants listings page should display all the reviews, along with the average rating of each restaurant
  • Validations should be in place for the restaurant and review forms - restaurants must be given a name and rating, reviews must be given a rating from 1-5 (comment is optional)
  • Users can register/login
  • Some indication should be given on the page (as part of the layout) whether the user is currently logged in, along with links to the available actions (i.e. Logout/Edit account is signed in, otherwise Sign In/Sign Up)
  • The email address of the reviewer should be displayed as part of the review
  • (Optional -) Users can't review a restaurant which they created
  • (Optional -) Users can log in through Facebook, Twitter, Github or another external service
  • A user must be logged in to create restaurants
  • Users can only edit/delete restaurants which they've created
  • Users can only leave one review per restaurant
  • Users can delete their own reviews