Whist scoreboard project

What is Whist?

Whist is a trick taking card game, played with a standard 52-card French card deck. Player number can vary between 2 and 6 depending on the game version, but it’s most commonly played by 4 people. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whist

Why make an app to track the scores?

While Simple Whist and Pair Whist are relatively basic game modes, and scores are easy to track, with more complicated game modes (such as Oh, hell!) come more complicated score tracking and calculations! This app will take away the pain and the time spent on calculations and everyone can just focus on doing their best to win. Feature oriented! And who wouldn’t want a high score table added to his favorite card game?

Which language?

  • Angular2 and TypeScript frontend
  • JavaScript backend and a bit of SQL to store high scores
  • Planned: Electron to build a desktop application http://electron.atom.io/

Other tools and frameworks


Standard features

  • Simple Whist game mode
  • Oh, hell! game mode
  • Set player names

Additional features

  • Display rules for each game mode
  • Display high scores for each game mode
  • Leading player highlight
  • Trump crd visual display

Advanced features

  • 80's music player