An bot for Telegram that everyday sends you the latest message of good morning from @pepitaofc
There's a brazilian funk trans singer called Pepita, that makes stories at Instagram (@pepita) everyday with motivational good-morning messages. But, even though I'm brazilian, I'm currently living in Lisbon, so I wake up 4 hours ahead from everyone in Brazil. And I really would like to receive, everyday, when I wake up, a good-morning message from Pepita. So I thought: "I'm gonna make a bot that stores the good morning messages and will send them to me as soon as I ask through Telegram!" And I did it! Unfortunately, I couldn't get Instagram stories, so I did with Pepita's Twitter (@pepitaofc).
I'm really looking forward to publish this one somewhere, but I still couldn't find a place 😕 I'll let you know when it's ready to use! (And if you know a place, let me know, please! 🙏)
- Add a automated tests project
- Finishing the log system
- Implement the Chain of Responsibility design pattern
- Create the Windows Service to make it run endlessly
- Adding the command "Hey, Pepita", that will return an audio
👉 Twitter API for beginners from Code Project
👉 Scheduler Service from Coding Ignite
Hi there! My name is Olivia. I'm a web developer, focused on Microsoft technologies (.NET/C# are my favorites). It's my first time using the Twitter API and Telegram bots, and I'm really happy with the results! 💕 ✨
Feel free to contact me with any questions, tips or feedbacks about this project. I'll be happy to hear and to reply!
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