Parent Simulator


First, you will enter a title screen, and after clicking the play button, you will move to a tutorial, which will briefly describe how to play this game. Click the screen, and move to a story line. Then the game will start.

On the main page, there are three buttons on the left top corner which correspond to three minigames. There will be flashing finger points towards the three buttons to mention you play the minigames.

Below the three buttons are the place to show the status of the child. Playing mini-games, scheduling time table and answering questions can change the points of these four statuses. When the child’s status changed, there will be a text shown beside the status section with fade effect to mention how many points changed.

At the central top, there’s a line of text showing the life stage of the child. The background image will be changed if the life stage changed. Once the life stage goes to the “adult” stage, you cannot schedule your child anymore. You can only play all three games and schedule three times in order to check the result of your child’s career.

On the main page, there are three buttons on the left top corner which correspond to three minigames. There will be flashing finger points towards the three buttons to mention you play the minigames. Below the three buttons are the place to show the status f the child. Playing mini-games, scheduling time table and answering questions can change the points of these four statuses. When the child’s status changed, there will be a text shown beside the status section, with a fade effect to mention how many points changed. At the central top, there’s a line of text showing the life stage of the child. The background image will be changed if the life stage changed. Once the life stage goes to the “adult” stage, you cannot schedule your child anymore. You can only play all three games and schedule three times in order to check the result of your child’s career.

The chess minigame

The button looks like chess is the access to the chess game. As long as the player clicked on it, the chess game will be started. The chess game has its intro page, game page and end page. It has a unique background sound. In the game, the player shall not touch the border, the player finished faster, and the points the player can get are bigger. There are two end pages, win and lose. They both have their sound effects. Click the screen to back to the main page.

The pixel art minigame

The button looks like a video game console is an access to the pixel art game. As long as the player clicked on it, the pixel game will be started. The player can find the tutorial on the left side of the page. Click the number to get the colour, and hold the space bar to pain on the screen. Each cell has a number on it to remind the player which colour to fill. If the player fills in the wrong colour, the number on that cell will not disappear and can be overwritten by another colour. The opposite is true if the correct colour is filled. The faster you finished, the higher points you get. This game shares the same result page as the memory game. It has win-and-loose sound effects with unique background music. There’s a flashing text to mention the player to click the screen to move on to the main page.

The memory minigame

The button looks like a video game console is access to the memory minigame. As long as the player clicked on it, the player will move to the intro page of the memory game. Then the flashing texts will mention the player clicking the screen to play the game. Once the player clicked, the game begins. The player can get one point if they match a pair of cards. The time limitation is 1min. Click the card can flip one card with a click sound effect. If the player successfully matches a pair of cards, the matched two cards will disappear and play a sound effect. The result page shares with pixel art minigame, with win-loose sound effects and its unique background music (different from pixel art game). There’s a flashing text to mention the player to click the screen to move on to the main page.

The schedule

Click the schedule button will move on to the schedule section. Players can drag the activity they like on the timetable. There is a flashing text to mention the player filling in the timetable. If players did not drag the activity to a proper place and release their mice, the activity will fly to its original place. If players drag the activity into the central part of the blank cell of the timetable, the activity will be automatically set into the cell with sound effects. The already settled activity can change its location in the timetable but is not allowed to cancel. After filling in all the cells in the timetable, a finish button will show on the screen, which allows the player to move to the activity effect page. The activities will show on the screen in the order that the player dragged with a fade effect. There will be two questions to let the player choose, which can affect the child’s status. It will automatically go back to the main page once it is finished showing the activities and questions. The schedule button will disappear from the main page once the child goes into adulthood. If the player finishes three minigames, the schedule button will be replaced by the result button to check the result of your child.


Once the player finished three minigames and three schedules, the result button will come out. Click the result button, and move to the result page. The first page is a transition, wait several seconds, and the career of the child will come out. Then a flashing text will tell the player to click the screen to see the other player’s results in a score board along with a restart button. Click the restart button to replay the game.

Rubric checklist:

  • Proposal - DONE;
  • Planning tasks - DONE;
  • Use graphics and sound - DONE;
  • Story/theme - DONE;
  • Class diagram of 2-3 main classes- DONE;
  • Submit source code as .gfar - DONE;
  • A feature-complete game - DONE;
  • Central code managing game data with 2d array of objects - DONE(the ScheudleWorld, all of the three games are all based on the 2d arryas. ScheudleWorld, Chessboard, MemoryGameWorld use 2d array of objects, PixelArtWorld uses 2d array of int);
  • Use of the UserInfo class - DONE;
  • An ArrayList, Stack or Queue to manage events or other significant elements - DONE(Queue used in ActivityEffectWorld, ArrayList used in ScheduleWorld, ChessBoard, MemoryGameWorld and PixelArtWorld);


Pointing Finger by Dave Gandy Arrow icons created by Dave Gandy - Flaticon

Chess Sound: Music by Lexin_Music from Pixabay

Pixel Sound: Music by Nullhertz from Pixabay

Memory Sound: Music by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay

Chess fail sound: Sound Effect by Universfield from Pixabay

MianWorld background music: Music by 23117649 from Pixabay

Win Sound: Sound Effect from P ixabay

Fail sound: Sound Effect from Pixabay

Sound effect of puli: Sound Effect from Pixabay

get married picture by RapidEye

pregnant picture

hospital picture

baby pic

backgroundMusic Music by 23117649 from Pixabay

welcome picture by dpproductions

story block by user2104819

arrows by user22934206

The other little sound effect: Background image from:

Wood background from Vecteezy (has been edited)

Chess piece images from Wikimedia Commons (have been edited)

KNOWN BUG: The timer keeps counting down when the player pauses the mini game. As a result, this bug messes up with the overall scoring system as it displays negative time elapsed.